Kirupa Breaks 5!

10,000 + posts for our beloved kirupa!

Congrats buddy!


Congratulations k-man!!! I only dream of 10,000… or anywhere near it.

Of course, lostinbeta is still kicking everyone’s a**!



Why is the topic titled “Kirupa Breaks 5!”?

You need a life…

He has one, posting at Kirupa. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is my life (oh and my Xbox, Mustang, Flash, Basketball)… sits and wonders what 10,000 posts feel like

A mustang eh? is it a 5.0?


You know it… GT, Hatchback, T-top. It’s an '88…[/ot]

5 digits?

:party: :beer:

Aw, I was hoping it would say Kirupa breaks 5 bones or something. Congrats on the posts I guess though anyway, I’d prefer the bones though.

He broke a 5 dollar bill?

Yea, I saw him buy some fries at McDonalds. He paid with a $5.

Haha - thanks mike and others :slight_smile: Hopefully it won’t take me another 2-3 years to break 20k lol.

Well it depends, if you reach your prime posting ability, you could get another 10,000 in less than that. Its in the judge’s hands now.

(Ok I’ve been watching the Olympics too much)

prime posting ability ehh…I better start working out :ear:

Haha :lol:

But my Gopher will kick your Hamsters’ *** anytime :bad:

Ow, and congratz on the 10k man :thumb:

So is this going to turn into a Godzilla vs King Kong type thing?

Krilon, 5 digits.

great, congratz Kirupa.!
I helped :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Kirupa, keep it up!