
How did you happen upon this site Kirupa?

Actually I did Lostinbeta… and warned Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohh, awesome work claudio :slight_smile: Ok then… how did YOU come across this site? :slight_smile:

and look at his intro, now tell me they are not alike…

lost. this fake probally used the same meta tags as kirupa did.

OMG ! I just woke up and this was the first thread I browsed. This gets me soooo pissed !!! We should hack the site and put a big “Stole from” right in the middle of it on font 63.

FEELS ANGRY I hate people who take credit off someone else’s work ! Oh man, I am seriously considering taking down that site somehow :scream:

Gathers Jubba and Dan

why is it that as kirupa adds tutorials SHE adds tutorials? hmm coinquidink? i think not!

I was searching google for “flash sites”… something like dat… cant remeber exactly. And i came upon dat one. But for my surprise, all they had was Kirupa stuff :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

even the “thank you” page is alike!!!

claudio why havent i ever seen you before?

he is even using the “club kirupa” flash site.

something has to be dont about this!

*Originally posted by *
**claudio why havent i ever seen you before? **

I guess thats because im new here :stuck_out_tongue:

wow only may? do you hang out in Flash forums a lot? i guess so cause thats where i never go lol. well um welcome?

Yes Mike, ive only find out Kirupa on May… almost June. Im mostly at flash mx forum (when not searching for ripoffs of Kirupa’s content :P:P) .
Thx for the welcome :slight_smile:

alex we stated most of this so no your not mad.

claudio well thats cool glad to have another “power poster” here. wse have a few hidded ones i think in there too. well hope to see you in random every now and then or pop over to drawing and design i live there hehe.

*Originally posted by *
**claudio well thats cool glad to have another “power poster” here. wse have a few hidded ones i think in there too. well hope to see you in random every now and then or pop over to drawing and design i live there hehe. **

I only have 400 posts and you have 4000. Well, one day ill get there… :stuck_out_tongue:
Ill visit drawing and design sometimes.

:trout: - haha - funny

Thanks for the info ethan - I’ll contact them shortly :slight_smile:

looks like techhelping is run by the same girl… not likely to get much help there
but the hosting company will probably have something to say about it :slight_smile:

GG’s guestbook has been “updated.” it looks like all of our comments got pushed to the back of the list. Somebody made about two pages of “Oh GG this is a great site!!” comments. (Suspicious if you ask me)

are you sure? still looks the same to me… with our glorious posts there to reveal the truth to everyone :slight_smile: