Kirupa Cribs So Far.. (HUGE)

lava, that’s a pretty cool presentation you did there. GOD I wish I had a digital camers…F*ck it, im gonna take some pictures w/ my 35mm and develop them tommorow.

oh hell yeah, I want to see the flash skills coming out for kirupa cribs… that’d be so freaking awesome. Mine would seriously PALE in comparison.

A new crib addition:

*Originally posted by Thoriphes *
**and why did you have to repost these? **

I guess he felt it “his responsibility” to clean up the other thread.

I didn’t think it needed to be cleaned up. Looks to me like a desperate play for attention…


Very cool lava =)

the only thing is that the seat of power doesn´t have any seat !?! (-:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *

How would you feel, if you started a popular thread, then I came in, stole all your images, then added mine to it and started a “new thread” to revive the concept?

Your original thread is now obsolete…

but the new one takes off again…

Rev **

Ahhh, so this is what its about. Sorry Rev… I didn’t know who started the old thread and I didn’t really understande what was happening. All I saw was a fight, now I know the history of it.