Oh…is this in some writing somewhere? I did’nt realize I had to be invited to post in a thread? If so…please let me know. I totally missed is rev :love:
[EDIT] the first part is revoked due to my ignorance in this matter… i apologize.
but the following part is true in my beliefs [/EDIT]
man… i probably shouldn´t be doing this, but i´m just about to burst…
lately i´ve watched too much disrespect, and rudness in this forums… something that i never did watched since i joined (oct 02). but what hurts me the most is when a mod do that kindaof thing.
it never hapenned to me, but it hapened to a lot of dear friends, and that piss me off. the worst case i remember was with mak. from that moment on, i started to enjoy these boards a bit less, and i started to post less, and visit less. random become a weird place now…
and i tell you, i´ve got a bad feeling that if we don´t change things now kirupa will become another hostile forum like flash kit.
do you ever wondered why these boards are so empty? why some of the regulars are not posting as much as used to?
i´m no one to tell anyone how to behave, i´m just sharing a piece of my mind…
…I totally did’nt realize there was a “battle”. But either way. I guess I won’t post in this thread. Hope your happier this way. Anything to make you happy rev.
How would you feel, if you started a popular thread, then I came in, stole all your images, then added mine to it and started a “new thread” to revive the concept?
lavaboy: There really was no need to create a whole new thread. If you posted your flash movie in the old thread, the thread would have been revived in the new posts lists and more people would be able to see it and everything will be all in the original place. Now the people who posted in the last Kirupa Cribs thread have to find this one in order to see anyone elses cribs because no one will want to post in the old one anymore and if they are alerted of when people reply, then they won’t ge an alert for the new cribs that are added unless they reply to this one, but they first have to know about this one. So I find that it would of just been easier to reply to the old thread with your flash movie thing.
johnBlaze: If you are going to say something, say something constructive, don’t add fuel to the fire just because you feel like it. Jumping in just to call anyone immature is immature in it’s own and you did nothing but add fuel to the fire, so don’t get upset when people get mad at you for doing stuff like that.
guig0: I am truly sorry you feel that way.
Thats what I woulda replied with if by the time I hit the submit button Kirupa didn’t delete everything