Hello, I think that this site should have a forum for people to have school help. Mby post a tet on the site and have people umm…voluntaraly do some of the answers. Well i think its a good idea. And im sure it will get alot of traffic. Well thats all i can to say tell me if you do or do not like it.
Kirupa Forum isn’t about School Tests. Leave that for the schools
i agree with lost.
I always agree with lost.
lost is the best.
and no lost, I’m not making your ■■■■ Free-Flash. I TOLD YOU THAT!
You scare me Aislin…lol.
What free-flash?
that thing you said I have to make to be cool! a shareware version of flash without stealing a single line of code! and I worked on it for thirteen years and then died!
except it never hapenned! and I take it back!
Yeah because YOU are the one that said you had to work on a shareware version of Flash to be cool… not ME…lol.
hey man, why didn’t you say?
I made one of those last week for a guy at another forum!
damnit! that would count as stealing code!
I’m screwered!
Hey lost, check out the formula for me cubed under my name over there on the left!
…I SAID THAT?! I think you did, Lost. You and EG. you were saying things.
Stop feeding Phil Aislin…lol.
You said it
phil! stop feeding or I’ll go super saijin 4 and maybe golden monkey and wallop your butt with your own trout!
What is this?!?!? I leave this thread alone for a couple of days and you guys are talking about. Some code. lost is the only person who actually talked about my thought. :pirate: