Yeah. Good advice, Phil. Thanks.
I feel so appreciatted at last! Doh! If Kirupa wants it for the best of, I will clean it up and make it as complete as possible. Let me know if you hear any such rumors.
Personally I think that is great information for anyone that is trying to market their site to a larger audience. I think it deserves to be put somewhere…maybe a tutorial or something like that instead of just a post…
Alternately, we could just hook a pump up to Phil’s head and embiggen it that way.
(I know, embiggen isn’t a word, but I can’t think of a good real word…)
Jubba, Live, et al
Take a look at a new dictionary I am creating,
where at? i couldn’t find a dictionary…where is it?
Follow the material in the thread, then my remark about my dictionary, go to my site and you will see it right up front. It’s the first word of the Corpus T dictionary.
I made some changes to the post and cleaned it up. Is there anything missing you think?
He put the definition of “embiggen” on the top.
Lol sorry about that. My mind has been stressed out cuz of that 10 pager due tomorrow and the other 5 pager that is due right after it. They are both written, but now I have to go thru and make the corrections. One about Archaeology and the other about Art History. Fun stuff…I see it now…
good luck on em sir… it’ll all be over soon, for better or worse.
Definitely clean that up for the best of Kirupa Phil… that’s exactly the kind of thing I intended for that forum.
Phil, I guess you did clean that up. Its much neater now. Great advice. The target audience of my site is going to be skateboarders, so some of that advice I probly won’t be able to use as much, but I will try some things.
Hey Phil,
That is some great stuff you wrote! It should definitely belong in best of kirupa
A sleep-deprived student regretting he ever took AP classes.
Phil, I have a question that i was always curious about, and since you are so knowledgeable in this area… When I used to visit those coughwcoughacoughrcoughecoughzcough sites, I often find ones that have a whole long list of words that are the same color as the background…is that the reason why? because they used them as tags, and if they don’t do that then they will be docked?
Those alternative sites do that for an unknown reason to me. It doesn’t figure as it would accomplish the same or more by placint them in the mata tags. They also might do it to get a rise out of newbies who know no better, Im not sure.
lol… I’m betting on the latter.
Kirupa, Dave-
Do you want this piece for best of? The piece is one page back and is the one about how to generate traffic-If you do I will go over it one last time and spiff it up and then you can do what you do.
Just copy and paste all of the relivant material from the post into a new one in “the best of” and give it a good descriptive subject line.
Ups, Pom, someone!? you ever gonna put this is the “best of”!?!
Upu done it, Jubby.
By the way, I have a question about what Renni said. Let’s say I want to make a site about anything, a museum, whatever. And I want traffic. I don’t understand where I’m supposed to put Britney Spears’ breast : you said there had to be a link on my site, and I find it rather disturbing to have such a link. So is there something I didn’t understand ?
pom 0]
>> I’ev just read Eyez and Phil’s post about direct translation, and je almost étranglé myself :rollin: