KIRUPA! I must know

No you were confused for a good reason. E-meduium sucks. Voice is superior. Lets put it this way; Many people think the keywords are the name and the game. They think that by placing the words Britney spears Breasts in the keywords will drive a lot of traffic to their site. In a way they are correct. In a way, they aren’t. While not every key word has to have a corresponding link, the search engines have in the last two years or so picked up on this little trick used by so many for so long. It really worked well 5 years ago when the crawlers were inferior to todays. And they ended up with a lot of evil **** sites cloggin their directory. In order to alleviate this they instituted upgrades that made it neccessary for the crawler to pick up the key words and wiegh them percentage wise against corresponding links. Lets say I own the NY Post online and really want to get the UFO community to come to my site. So I place keywords like, aliens, flying saucers, roswell. And knowing I already have the steadies, I take out all the keywords and make them as stated above. Even Yahoo would punish such an abuse of keywords by reranking their site according to relevence. It would immedietly be lowered in relevence when the crawler goes home and reports what it has seen, it would say something like this if we could understand binary; “I was just at the NY Post and all the keywords deal with aliens now, yet they do not have a single corresponding link, and this is going to make our directory worthless, people will search for aliens and not find them at these links.” So what they do is weigh them percentage wise against links, not sure what that percentage is, its a secret for good reasons. And then they rank you according to relevence. In this case their relevence would be punished severely, for the crawler would feel like it was being taken advantage of, and also their directory. The crawler does do a third level search of content sometimes, but it is random and arbitrary. So, lets say that museum has all keywords like; Picasso, Renoir, Michael Angelo, Russian Crown Jewels, and maybe another 30 words like that and then they have; Britney Spears Breasts as the last keyword. The crawler doesn’t get upset with the site in such cases and metes out no relevence punishment. It saw the keyword michael angelo and found a link, same with the others. But it doesn’t find a link for Britney Spears Breasts.(Dman, I think they should be on public display! Doh!] It does the math and when it is within the percentage acceptable, it just logs it and moves on, accepting the meta keywords and meting no relevence deranking. Because this will NOT render their directory werthless. This all came about a few years back when the engines and directories turned a cold shoulder to the **** industry who was the largest abuser of this system. They would place things like; Cloths, Aliens, Front Page News Stories, Loch Ness Monster, Potpouri, Indianapolis 500, Medical supplies, and whatnot as their keywords. The site would find a top listing at Yahoo as that is the content they were after. But the site was ****, filth. And their directory became a living testament of this; After they cleaned it out they decided to do away with that trust factor they had relied on, and forced sites to have a percentage of key words match with corresponding links, or else they would suffer either no listing, or a very poor one, as the directory and keywords are systems that you and me find what we are looking for; So you dont have to have a secret link, but your keywords had better pretty well describe the real contents of the site or the crawler will know. And punish. Does this make any sense or clear up what I said before?


Gasp ! OK, thanks a lot Phil. That’s dead on what I wanted to know (is this correct ?).
pom 0]

Gasp is right. :x Thats why I didn’t even bother saying anything about this earlier as it is hard to put in few words. But yes, it is correct. There were a few things that have changed in the last 10 months about Meta Keywords, Descriptions and Title. You can see the updated version of these three categories where Uppy moved that link to; Also, since your already going there, probably, could you do me a favor? Please remove that top header note where I asked Dave to move the message,(everything above the line) and also change the title to; Site Submission Techniques and Tools
Or else people might not really have an idea about whats in that post. Just make sure at least 80% (my own arbitrary number) of your keywords have corresponding links and/or the content to show the relevence of the key words. This in a nutshell was set up like this to help our directories not become meaningless, as they had a few years back before they instituted these changes.
