Kirupa-question on forum styles

is it possible to have some broadband styles?

I made the header for the forum (still working on it), and it’s alread on 25kb or something… and I’m not done with it yet :frowning:

anyhoo, here’s the alpha release of the header for “KirupaForum - Pixel version” :beam:

how are you saving the pixel image, before you import into Flash?

I think, if you optimize the colors, and save it as a .gif (I did a quick run @ the above image and got it down to 17k before import), you will get a much smaller size, then Flash should take it down from there.

If I can help any, let me know…


Wow that’s cool. :stuck_out_tongue: I wanted to make a more wild style too like what I’ve seen on other forums.

Rev: I’ll fiddle with it again tomorrow… :slight_smile: I just saved to web in PS as a high quality jpeg, haven’t tried gif yet (I KNOW it’ll help… :))

but I still wonder if we CAN make some broadband styles, just so we can go nuts a little more when we make the styles =) more freedom :wink:

say… 100kb’s or so for broadband users :slight_smile:

fine, be that way…

::runs to find chocolate in the kitchen::


and congrats on being smoke free for 3 weeks…


thx :love:

Hey eilsoe - if isn’t too much trouble, feel free to remove “buy our book” from the header. I’ll modify the original header files to remove that also. The book ends its publication run online in a few days :slight_smile: Feel free to link to anything you feel like in its place.

I have no problem with broadband styles, but I’d rather have the styles be more compact instead. I can imagine fluid_0ne and others sending me a style that has an actual MPEG of the Star Wars kid embedded in the header :bandit:

Kirupa :ub:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

no I didn’t mean infinite filesizes :slight_smile: Just more than 15… 50 maybe… give us some room :slight_smile:

sure - that range sounds good =)

wopeee! :beam:

That looks awesome Eilsoe… I feel a Final Fantasy line art style coming on… :beam:

lez get stylin’ :bad:

Ooo yeah! :beam:

Actually… <b>Makes a Kitiara line art style</b> Though it might not be very popular. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just remember this:



Pffft, always with the boobs… :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:


you betcha!

I like it Eilsoe :love:

Tits obssessed, the lot of you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, I’ll try a few line art banners / footers etc tonight, complete with suitably gravity defying bosoms… :stuck_out_tongue:

custom buttons/icons too?

I’m not making buttons shaped like tits, I draw the line at that. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

But maybe custom buttons etc in other shapes. Like er… Materia. Yeah, that’s safe. :slight_smile: