KIRUPA..! small mistake :/

First i have to say nice layout on the new design… but you forgot the first rule of a webdesigner :slight_smile:


:slight_smile: :beam: :flower: :nerd: :evil:

Kirupa has been working his ***** off, I’m sure he just forgot. :geek:

Ack! Just fixed it - does it look better now =)

Well I didnt notice a **** thing - so yah I think it’s fixed :slight_smile:

Good was always Kman!

This was not ment to offend anyone, juist an indication in a funny way… :slight_smile: … i know Kirupa has not enough hours i one day… i have that same feeling … :slight_smile: pll to see website to design… :slight_smile:

Yes Kirupa it’s okay now, and i’ll point you to mistakes more friendly in the future :slight_smile:


Hey Swoop,
No problem - don’t hesitate to be as mean and ugly as you need to be =)

Kirupa :ub:

hey kirupa,

the new design looks really good.:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by sWo0p *
**This was not ment to offend anyone, juist an indication in a funny way… :slight_smile: … i know Kirupa has not enough hours i one day… i have that same feeling … :slight_smile: pll to see website to design… :slight_smile:

Yes Kirupa it’s okay now, and i’ll point you to mistakes more friendly in the future :slight_smile:

Sorry… **

cheers m8 :slight_smile: