Miss naptime? We still have naptime, its called english :).
That’s right, we have two naptimes. One of them is, as you mentioned English, the other is Internet Publishing II (haha j/k) What they don’t know won’t hurt them? =)
Kirupa :ninja:
I wish I was a senior… I have 4 more years to go!*@!
All the luck I seem to have…:ninja:
Let’s see, naptime in high school…
Math, English, Science, Social Studies…haha, just kidding.
I never really slept in school, except occasionally English class, because Shakespear is soooo boring. Besides I was way smarter than everyone in my class so when I would do my work ahead of time it gave me time to sleep.
I know I sound concieted, but you know what, most the people in my class were dumb as bricks. They were happy when they only saw 4 Fs on their report cards (while I got straight A’s…cough).
I am babbling again…sorry.
Hey lost,
Of course, when Nali and I say naptime in school, we are joking…at least I am I wouldn’t for the life of me fall asleep in school; I might talk in my sleep and be at the whims of my opportunistic classmates lol.
Kirupa :q:
I fell asleep in Animation once. Well, it was technially web design class, since the teacher wasn’t really an animation teachers, but our stupid school gave her software and said you have no choice but to teach this class this software even though you don’t know how to use it yourself, so she assigned me to design and maintain the school website for the year (since I was the only one who knew HTML)…anyways, got off subject.
I fell asleep in that class, and I woke up with an imprint of a mac keyboard on my face, you bet I was made fun of in the halls. I learned my lesson there…very embarrassing (good thing I don’t care what people think of me).
And no, I am not joking on this one:-\
I would never fall asleep either. I’m one of those kids that doesn’t want to do anything risky if it may cause me to get in trouble.
And hey, Shakespeare was great!
P.S. I can speak German too! Danke, Danke! Guten tag, danke! I think I spelled it wrong…
Das ist nicht wirklich logisch zu mir.
Since this isn’t a board on other languages I will stop now. Especially since I am not 100% sure if I even said that right.
Naptime in English? Only because you are in st00pid English Kirupa! :). Everyone knows in Apeng you will be arrested and sent into the fiery depths of hell (well, not literally). What am I saying? I took st00pid math and science so I could cheese my way through (English is much more invigorating to me). Sucks that you got the big shaft in govt./eco, someone needs to slap those f00l administrators. You should have stuck with Apeng, considering you would have had it the same period I would have enjoyed taunting you the entire period, muwahaha! And IP2 is not just a naptime… it’s a UT/Nap zone! (and don’t forget the UT). As far as people who will not make it through the year… well, if you are serious about that list, I can think of at least 10 off the top of my head :).
“Senior Year”, despite what Dan claims, is not “the best”. Not that it’s any worse than any other [group of] year[s] (well, yeah it is, actually… that’s when you start having a job and thinking about college and, y’know, growing up. and that sucks.), but no year compares to that period from ages 0 to 4. The part where nobody expects ANYTHING from you. Too fat? How cute! Too dumb? How silly! Too lazy? Well, you’re a kid. Who could expect more?
And then suddenly they’re all like, “Well, I’m afraid we’ll only give you 45 minutes of nap time today in class” and the opression begins.
Ages -9 months to 0 are pretty good too, but they’re very confining and you don’t have as many liberties as you might want.
I’ve fallen asleep a couple of times before. My best run is when I got kicked out of math class for sleeping, but my friend far out did me when he slept through a test after answering only 3 of the 70 some-odd questions.
While not exactly naptime, I am posting from school. Live, I agree with you. Senior year is easy only if you don’t really worry too much about your future, or you took extremely easy classes. I took fairly easy classes (note Falex’s reference to me being in “st00pid english”)…which is true hehe.
Kirupa :rambo:
I graduated from school what seems like years ago… no hang on it was years ago! evn so I have 3 years left at college, hell I might even do post grad… if I can face it.
I am just so sick of working for pieces of paper, they don’t mean a lot come the end of the day :-\
really feels like its not living a lot of the time, so enjoy your last year in school because it is fun!