KirupaForums time is off

Anybody notice that the server time is screwed up Kirupa?

Yeah, this really annoys me too. But i think it’s been fixed somewhat.I haven’t had to change mine in a while.

just figured out east coast is brazil if that helps

My footer, however, never needs to be adjusted and is always right, no matter where you are. muah ha ha

US east coast is -3 GMT

I had to set mine to central however, I live on the Pacific. oh well… Call MT and whoop some ***.

it was the same with racknine. and i mean MT was nice enough to give it to us for free, so i wouldnt complain about the time.

Belgium – (GMT +3:00 hours) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Nairobi

the time has always been screwed here on my end…

keeps you on your toes-


it’s a trick like in the Las Vegas Casinos…where they mess with the lighting and stuff to throw off your sense of time so you stay longer…

but hey it’s just a forum right?
