Problem with KirupaTime

I don’t know why, but I keep on trying to set the Kirupa clock and it’s never right.
I went to UserCP and Options and I’ve been flicking between them, but it’s never right!

I picked eastern time, and it’s 2 hours off, and then I tried atlantic, newfoundland, la paz, a bunch, none right.

me too, i gave up on it :frowning:

try Brazil…

that should work.


yeah, it works.

Hey kirupa, get that fixed, cause I don’t live in brazil.

I don’t think its something he can fix.

yeah, its a board thing, alot of others have the same problem

lol phil,

what would i set my time to, i live on the east coast.

Mines on brazillian time as well.

Alex: Just look in the options, it tells you the offset (-4:00, etc), just change it so be the right offset.

I see. Well tell the board-master to figure out his time-zones, because I almost reset my clocks thinking mine had to be wrong.

Hehe, I never bothered changing the time on my settings. I just remember to always add a few hours to find the exact, current time :wink:

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

same here but i am going to change mine now.

but you know what I’ve also noticed? that the time on the emails I get are off by a couple of hours. Anyone else get that?

mine changes … common for forums for some reason… have to reset periodically

…on one place I’m set to Eastern europe and it’s still 1/2 hr off,
…here I’m set to GMT-6 and it’s right on -
I live on the west coast US

VBulletin has a patch for this…

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Hehe, I never bothered changing the time on my settings. I just remember to always add a few hours to find the exact, current time :wink:

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue: **

I’m way too anal to accept my clocks be off…

Prob why I have 30+ clocks in my apt. but only 3 work, and are all digital (comp, Microwave, coffepot), and I don’t want to live without any of the 3…


KIRUPATIME, the most accurate* clock of all time**.

*Not at all accurate
**Not really of all time

-Mike :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Cynegenica *
**VBulletin has a patch for this… **

Do you have a link to this?

Ill try and find it for ya guys

I cant find it!

Sorry, off topic… but that first post in this thread is my 200th post!!! Sorry for the spam.