Kirupian Swift 3d v4.0 Improvement List

tru…but we can submit by email also or post a link to a post here on their forum. It was just a thought… and they expressed interest. Plus some more publicity for this forum… 2 birds 1 stone. :slight_smile:

a better work space

like flash MX

it is really hard to see what your doing:angry:

~Toggle the Screen~ If you are ever using a camera in swift, and you get too close to an object, or you are inside of a closed area, it is difficult to move the camera around. You have the option to either go to another view, and move it with the keyboard, type in x,y,z values, or if all else fails, click on the zoom icon at the top (which puts all objects in feild of view). I think it would be easier if they could add a method much like Macromedia Flash, where if you hold the spacebar, you can toggle the screen view, without effecting objects.

~Looping 3d objects~ I have a robot walking, and it would have been great if I could loop him walking, instead of having to recreate all the frames one after the other, right now i am doing the method of exporting as PNG and merging it with a scene in Flash, which does not get very good detail because reflections and shadows can’t be placed.

~Render Multiple Files~ This option could be used to render more than one animation at a time, once Swift is done rendering one animation, it automatically starts on the next one and so on, and it sends each file’s animation to it’s own temporary folder (which the user chooses for each animation)

cyber…nothing was there?

:hair: don’t know why, let me try uploading again… It does not work, for some reason. It’s just a robot outline walking. I guess you can right click and say save target as if you would like, it works like that.

~PNG imports~ It would be great if Swift could support PNG’s so when you apply them on a surface, there is transperency on it.

~Path Wrapping and Extruding~ Take the Path of a Map of the Earth with longitude and latitude lines on it. When you import this into Swift, it would be wonderful if swift wrapped it on a surface(in this case, a circle), and then extruded what was colored.:bounce: The end result would be a hollowed out globe with longitude and latitude lines on it =) I’ve always wanted this option, I’ve seen how effortlessly it can be done in 3ds, just by putting a PNG on a circle. Can someone post up an example of what i mean? :sure:

Man the thing i want the most on swift 3ds new app is a better timeline, man its a B!t@h to move an object from one possition to the other if they could implement a f6 lie flash that would be awesome or a paste in place feature, oh and to make all the timeline options like position, scale, rotation etc… move all at once instead of 1 by 1 it would speed things up

I’ll second that timeline. It’s a pain to work with, almost impossible to animate anything more complex than a ball bouncing.

I don’t think it needs a skeletal bones system. Things like that would be nice, but then the price would increase. Just look at plasma, lots of cool options but you end up paying for it.

~Selecting Multiple Frames on the Timeline~ This would be good too. (Ironikart, you have a good point about that skeletal system)

~Grouping Lights and Objects~ It would be great to have the option to group lights and objects together, especially for objects that are animated. It would also be much easier to copy and paste if you are making a scene with many lights, as opposed to copying and pasting each and every light in its location. (-:

~Kirupian Swift 3d v4.0 Improvement list update~

  1. The ability to save a new material from one you have altered

  2. Ghosting (insert definition here)

  3. Hiding objects and still have them impact the scene.

  4. Export to Temporary Folder: The ability to choose to automatically save to a temporary file on rendering images.

  5. Boolean Cyber Modelling

  6. More advanced integration and recognition with illustrator files including more advanced eps support.

  7. Export to a dfx format or some sort of mesh for chance to open in larger 3d app (maya, max ,cinema).

  8. Mesh editing tools that allow you to pull individual vertices.

  9. Toggle the Screen: If you are ever using a camera in swift, and you get too close to an object, or you are inside of a closed area, it is difficult to move the camera around. You have the option to either go to another view, and move it with the keyboard, type in x,y,z values, or if all else fails, click on the zoom icon at the top (which puts all objects in feild of view). I think it would be easier if they could add a method much like Macromedia Flash, where if you hold the spacebar, you can toggle the screen view, without effecting objects.

  10. Looping 3d object animations: For instance when you have a grouped object with an animation which you place in a scene, like walking, this walking action takes much time to do manually with keyframes. An option to loop these would be good.

  11. PNG imports: It would be great if Swift could support PNG’s so when you apply them on a surface, there is transperency on it.

  12. Path Wrapping and Extruding: For instance if you take the path of a map of the earth with longitude and latitude lines on it, and you import this into Swift, it would be wonderful if swift wrapped it on a surface(in this case, a circle), and then extruded what was colored. The end result would be a hollowed out globe with longitude and latitude lines on it which have depth.

  13. Selecting Multiple Frames on the Timeline and having the ablility to copy and paste more than one frame.

  14. Grouping Lights and Objects: It would be great to have the option to group lights and objects together, especially for objects that are animated. It would also be much easier to copy and paste if you are making a scene with many lights, as opposed to copying and pasting each and every light in its location.

Cybergold here, :thumb:
If you’ve got anything good, feel free to put it up (-:

:slight_smile: Mods, will you send this as an unofficial or an official Kirupian submission? (-:

so how should we submit this?

just email it or post a link to tthis post in their wishlist forum.