KTeam 1 - Site Designs

OK, how about this…?

Alright, this is the last I’m doing to this one today. :slight_smile:

I’m going to work on anotherone, kind of a vector art Kirupaville sort of idea… Not sure how well that’ll work though.

yeh thats nice kit once uv finished with ur fiddling u gonna post the files on so we can all av a fiddle bout with em

hm… how about… having the news thingie under current projects, since we’ll end up with more projects in the portofolio than projects were working on…i guess :slight_smile:

lol :beam:

well what i meant was… it should be placed below the current projects section on the homepage… that is… it should be moved to the left :)… oh… and… i’ll PM you later about the article thing :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

Nice done KIT!

i like it, thats what i meant, a non 100% flash site.

i like the layout… the only thing that i dont like that much is the left chick, and the the kteam button, no point having that there, since it is in the main menu…

and the chick… looks good… but it gives the taste of a personal website… maybe some Action script movement on that left thing will work fine… (like the kirupa.com random balls at the top)

Also… the color is very well mixed… but… i think it needs some Black on the texts…

maybe the titles go black. and the borders of the lil pics...

What u think…

And!, finally something done, and we are working has a group now :smiley:

oh! and i forgot… the equalizer. is just to big…

i mean, its good to have one… but its not that important to have it that big… i hope u understand what im trying to say :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the ‘chick’ in the side is actually a tracing of some photos of me from a few years back. Just needed some person outlines to put there, as I couldn’t be bothered to draw from scratch. The idea is that tracings of team members would movie across that section and interact. :slight_smile:

Fair point on the equaliser too. And all the other stuff. Take a copy of the gif and twist it, change it. Please. :slight_smile: I’d post the .psd but it’s huge. Even zipped up.

ok kit, and sorry for the delay on the reply :P, i got to much work yesterday.

im gonna start fiddling around with some flash designs any special sizes wanted?


Hmmm. Make it fit on as many screen resolutions as possible. Basically, make for 800 x 600, but also so it looks good on bigger screens.

I personally like the way the equalizer is right now…

Large yes… But we need somehting to fill in the void of existance down in the bottom left corner… But I have one request… When the fnal version of that be created… Make it a color changing bar… Say the higher it gets the closer to a darker blue it would go… Like a certain number of bars would get this much and so on and so forth… That would make it a nice little touch to blend in with the different color schemes in the page.

As for the rest… Lemme open it up again… Allright… The figures in the bar are fantastic… Blends perfectly in with the rest of the site… Especcially in the menu right there… Wonderful job on that kit :slight_smile:

The kteam login presents to me a good challenge for the team… Instead of having the usual login name/pass we can have a login that is a little different…


Then we can have multiple commands in that one area…


That way we can have some quick links to those areas of the site while still logging in correctly. The admin line will be a special set of numbers/letters that are given to certain people for admin access permissions through that part of the site.

What about a messaging area? Some kind of forum or advanced tag board… Not vbulletin by the way… Gotta use our programmers somehow ;)… I can always help out in that area if need be.

An update on the website… I haven’t been able to send out the form yet… Had to send my taxes in the mail and it was the last ■■■■ stamp… Grrrr… So now I’ve gotta wait til he grabs some form the post office some miles away… or if I can get there… But we should have it by next week… And I’ll have my server admin pop it up… I can probably only give out access to the ftp server to about 2-3 people though… But we’ll see how I can weasal something out :wink:

hey kit wot font have u used out of curiousity or is it summet u made up urself

Oh God, it’s one I downloaded from Dan… It’s a pixel font of some kind. I can’t remember the URL though I’m afraid, you’ll probably have to ask him.

It’s 8pt though, for the buttons. And all caps. Works better that way.

I love it Kit :beam: I really like that ‘chick’ part, adds a bit of style to it!

Is that Smilie program thing real? :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

The smilie thing isn’t real (yet), although it was an idea that people have been playing around with… So you never know. :slight_smile:

Obviously this is the way of getting people interested in Flash - stick pictures of chicks on the front page! :beam:

New one, new one… Bit more funky than the other one I guess. Nowhere near finished, just an outline.

On a very interesting note… If we ever had a kid would it be a super genius?!

lol… Just kidding btw… But yeah… I love that design. Very fluent and it gets the info out… It would be a perfect template for a 100% all flash version of a site.

Hey… I noticed the site before you put the chicks in it! :-p I just thought it looked spifier with them in it :wink: hehehe:beam:

On a very interesting note… If we ever had a kid would it be a super genius?!
And fantastic looking too, hehe. :slight_smile:

So this is kind of a very different look to it… I guess it depends on what people prefer. I’ll finish it off a bit next week. Can’t be bothered to do much more today, be it work or otherwise. Think we’re all off down the pub in a minute anyway… :slight_smile:


btw… The website domain should be here sooner… Is ent it out yesterday… Went to the mall and found some stampies :beam:

Oh well… Have fun at the pub :slight_smile: