KTeam 1 - Site Designs

Oh I will, I will… :slight_smile:

Later people. Speak to you all Monday.


that template wud be awesome for dynamic loading i was fiddling around with a idea last nite which looked ok. It had kits buttons fromt he first test and had like columns alpha’d which wud be good for animating etc i like kits though better than anything i can make lol


Hey guys I have a question. Although the Kteam1 is making the site, will the Kteam2 be listed on the site as members and such just as Kteam1 is and be able to login?


Definetly… if not I wouldn’t technically be listed on anything :wink:

lol… yeha man… This will grow to be the main site… I just put all thsoe tag boards and things up to be ignored and disuused at later times… :*(

ill have to say yeh every1 will be in the site kit needs the bios from every1 including audio people. as kteam progresses every1 will be doing diff tasks on sites so we are all obviously valied members i spose


the new design is pretty good looking :slight_smile: though, i prefer the first one… the new one is more like a cartoon style site, the first one is more uh… futuristic… JMHO

wow kit… you’re freaking good at designs…

Why thank you very much. :blush:

Basically, Team 1 is designeing and building the main website while Team 2 build the MP3 player. But everyone involved on either team gets put on the website. :slight_smile:

For each project, we’ll probably put up who worked on it, but on the Bio section, everyone gets their name and info down.

Anyone got any more designs they’d like to post? Please? I’m hogging this thread with my own stuff here…

if this bloody thing wud let me upload fla’s 2day i wud post one up its stupidly simple but i wasnt really workin to hard on it

if any1 downloads it just rip it apart and see wot u cum up with

cool! I like that but maybe we should add some interactivity… or aznimation or sth to it! :-\ :slight_smile: =)

did you guys ever figure out how to make the mp3 player? is it just a matter of the mp3 file? or do you have to have it streaming in the timeline, etc…

yeh syko im gonna work on sum animations here and there i just threw it together so didnt av time to animate also i thought i would leave it for people to have a crack with animating how they like to we can get sum different looks

lavaboy i aint sure wot ur on about where the web site team not the audio play team

The audio team has come up with a workable spectrum anylyzer… We just need to work around it so that we can load mp3’s dynamically then… Which I’m not quite sure how we are going to do that… Placing swiftmp3 in a file along with the mp3 player and linking via cgi. perhaps… :slight_smile:

Who knows… But I do know that my bum itches. Could someone scratch it?


Use a trout like eveyone else round here seems to… :slight_smile:

here it is with some animation on it add to it though

I’m trying to stay away from that unnaturally fishie smell though… hehe

And yet you keep coming back to these trout infested forums… Admit it boy, you <i>love</i> it. :beam:

well kit looks liek its just me and u lol

anyway here’s another 1 its not my own work but i thought maybe we cud create something like this just to throw anotehr idea into the world lol