Lakers all the way!

i think the Lakers are gonna take it all the way this year. :pleased:

Cool :slight_smile: I like the Lakers also! My favorite team is the Dallas Mavericks, but they lost out early in the playoffs to the Kings.

my predictions for tonight pivotal game 3 is that Lakers win by +15 with Kobe having about 30 pts. and Shaq Diesel about 20 pts.

The only team that actually worried me were the Spurs. Now that they’re out, I don’t see anybody matching up with the Lakers.

kirupa- Dallas lost cause they don’t play defense. They’re packed with offensive minded players, I guess Mark Cuban forgot to buy some defenders. Anyway… at least you didn’t jump on the Laker bandwagon.

I see the Lakers and Pistons in the Finals.

wolves looks like a team that will give the lakers a good run. KG is having a mvp year and for once he has other that can score, spree, sam and serb. I was going for the wolves if they werent playing lakers (if lakers got kicked out) but lakers are in and thats my team. Should be a great conference finals series.:thumb:

Off to watch the game! lakers are UP!! :beam:
be back with updates. :wink:

Lakers in five?

I don’t like the lakers very much, the Pacers are my team.

however i said it once and i’ll say it again

Lakers vs Pistons

Lakers in 6

game just finished, good game, lakers pulled away, wolves did have a run with spree making some nice shots. in the end lakers were too strong.

lol… how about that hack a shaq in the end. lol the ref didnt want to make the call. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • If KG does not have a super strong game in game 4, lakers will progress to the finals.

In the end a nice game. :wink:

man tongiht’s game didn’t even feel like a playoff game. seemed like a regular season game.

I really hate the lakers as a team, but Love Shaq and GP and think Kobe is a great player.

That said, I want to KG and the wolves to win because I think KG deserves it. He has stayed in Minni his whole carreer thus far and is exactly what NBA players should be like. He is a great role model for the kids and all the younger NBA players coming into the leauge.

In the east I hope the Pistons come through - Big Ben is such a great player to watch. That guy plays hard at both ends of the court. He’s a powerhouse. It’s a shame he was screwed out of the Defensive Player of the Year award this year.

Go Raptors in 2005! :thumb: