The Lakers got screwed

I can’t F’ing believe it… Fox is out, and then D Gorge goes out last game with an injured ankle… now they are playing the second game against the Spurs with TWO rookies in!!! What the hell. This is the worst luck EVER. Not to mention the very bad calles made by officials (or lack there of) in game 1. I’m depressed… mainly its the injuries that are killing us. I just had to get that out. :frowning:


Girls’ fast pitch softball…




tooo baaad! :-\


they are so overrated.

most things from LA are…



yeah like hollywood. and the entertainment television channel.

and how everyone is just so…



oh god forbid!!!

Yeah i feel ya Ryall, I like the way george plays as well, i rather him over fox. Big bummer. Havent they got Rush to fill that gap?

Oh well, a few more games left before the Lakers’ fate is determined. Lakers are my favorite team - it is quite unfortunate to see this. I really hope they will win though =)

Overrated doesn’t always mean bad hehe.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

No offence to you laker fans but I want nothing more than to see them lose… Dont get me wrong, I love Kobe and I love Shaq - both are fantastic players and on my top 10 but I am sick of seeing them win.

I want to see a team like the Pistons and Ben Wallace or Boston with employee #8 or even Philly and have Ivy shake off the “gangsta” image and take the ring but I doubt that will happen either. I have a bad feeling it’s going to be those darn Spurs and their text book basketball… so boring - but so good.

Ah well - only time will tell…

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**and how everyone is just so…


Rev **

… and fake tanned and fake boobs… :stuck_out_tongue:

This basketball thread got jacked pretty quickly :slight_smile:

Only in Kirupaville…

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**… and fake tanned and fake boobs… :stuck_out_tongue: **

or just plain fake…


I really don’t like LA…



never been so i couldn’t say. i woke up this morning and saw my sister watching reruns of baywatch. WHY GOD WHY???

The slow motion running, that’s why! :wink:

I hate LA, but I looove the Lakers

K’Man… you’re right it isn;t over yet, and knowing Phil Jackson he had a plan for game three after the first 15min of game two. We’ll see what happens - I just hope that IF they get eliminated people dont start claiming that they were never as good as everyone said… cux thats the bigggest load of crap - they lost their two TOP small forward defenders, I mean come on!


They are going back to La La land - the refs are going to do everything possible to make sure the Lakers win… The Spurs are going to have to play a heck of a game to take even one game in LA…

Thats what I’m hoping… Shaq and Kobe need to really step up, and the rookies need come and play hard. I am confident in Phils Zen’like mastery of this game (probably one of the best professional sports coaches for ANY sport of ALL time). I’m looking forward, but I must admit I am nervous.
