if we buy a new house i am going to buy either a tablet pc or a laptop. i dont know what to buy. so help me plz
I guess it depends what you value more, mobility or power.
I would get a desktop. I hate laptops and the tablets don’t serve me any purpose.
Tablet! Desktop are best of all, but if you want mobility get tablet. They are cool, laptops are lame. Plus you can draw on them!
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: </center>
i wouldnt go for the laptop because it would take a while to do what you want with the built in mouse.
get a desknote more powerfull and cheaper
*Originally posted by Alex *
**i wouldnt go for the laptop because it would take a while to do what you want with the built in mouse. **
well, if you have a table to sit at, you can always cram a PS/2 mouse in it’s arse :sure:
But I’d go with a tablet too, I had a laptop at school once, it sucked, it’s hard to get a good quality laptop these days, everything is built by the lowest bidder… :sigh:
if price doesn’t matter, check out the new tablet’s and tell us how they are
well i had a tablet, there good but u soon realise there capacity if u wanna do anything other than basic stuff, and i had win ce on it and its crap. i got a laptop now, and altough its not portable is sooooo much more flexible.
i got a g4 laptop so i can do clients work onsite and stuff, plus i can sit on my sofa with it!
I would go for the laptop, I still think a tablet pc is not very handy.?.
And the laptops are cheaper…
desknotes are cheaper than both and more powerfull i suggest you check them out im plannign on getting one soon hopefully
I still don’t get what’s the difference between a desknote and a laptop. I don’t think Europeans use that a lot, because I have not heard of it yet. Is it rather new?
Anyway, I searched google, and found some. The desknotes seem to be a bit slower then a laptop
Tablets are better than laptops because they are more portable, easier to see, and you can draw on them. I don’t know what you are saying about them being slow, they run win xp and all of the ones I’v looked at have better HDs, and processors then this computer I’m typing on now.
I didn’t say they’re slow, I just think they are not that easy to use. If you have to enter a lot of text, start entering it with that stilus. That’s why I still prefer a laptop. Portable too, and on this moment stil cheaper then tablet pc.
Yes but with the laptop you have to open the top up
That’s right, I gues you don’t want to waste energy to that:P
That’s right!
lol (-: (-: