I used to do that as well, but I never find any more than 1 at a
time any more. Music these days compared to a few years ago
isn’t quite to the same measure as a whole IMO.
I have my stable bands and some new ones too, but I’m waiting
for ‘the next Nirvana’ to come along and re-revolutionize the
music industry again.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**I have my stable bands and some new ones too, but I’m waiting
for ‘the next Nirvana’ to come along and re-revolutionize the
music industry again. **
Somebody needs to…
Axel Rose kinda peter’d out now didn’t he?
I’m real disappointed in the music industry as a whole right now…
I gotta get the new Iguanas CD, but that’s the only CD I see in my near future.
REM - Up
REM - Reconstruction of the Fables
REM - Out of Time
REM - New Adventures in Hi-Fi
REM - Eponymouse
REM - Reveal
REM - Automatic for the People
U2 - Zooropa
U2 - Achtung Baby
U2 - Pop
I ended up paying only about $9 for all of the above because I sent about 30 CDs that I do not listen to to http://www.spun.com =)
morcheeba - parts of the process
dj format - music for the mature b-boy (very cool album, get it)
after that, my cd buying gets all misty and i ended up buying like 3 Dave Matthews Band albums… :sigh:
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**I have my stable bands and some new ones too, but I’m waiting
for ‘the next Nirvana’ to come along and re-revolutionize the
music industry again. **
No, there will never be a Nirvana again. It will just be another band. Nobody needs to revolutionize music because it has already been done by Nirvana.
My point about being another Nirvana follows this thought process -
50’s = Elvis
60’s = Beatles
70’s = Led Zeppelin
80’s = Michael Jackson
90’s = Nirvana
00’s = ???
That’s what I mean by that. No one will ever replace or do what
each of the aforementioned have to music industry, and no one
can argue that. However, none of the music acts these days have
had the impact that these have.
I bought Vivaldi’s Stabat Matar a little while back, which was beautiful… I’ve liked that ever since University - for one of my performance modules I had to do a solo from Martha Graham dance version.
I’m going out to buy CDs at lunch today too, thanks to a voucher from my work. :beam:
*Originally posted by Ranoka *
**Sigur Ros’s music is spine tinglingly beautiful!
not sure i’ve heard of Opeth, going to check them out! **
Watch out Ranoka!! Opeth might not be what you expected. They’re a swedish metal band so not like Sigur Ros at all… Still might be worth checking out depending on what other music you like…