Last CD You Bought

thanks for the warning tool, I haven’t really listened to much metal before, maybe I should give them a try.

last CD:
The Darkness: Permission to Land

I love these guys, and im seing them in just over a weeks time, wooo!!! (<----cheap plug)

these are my latest purchase i got a great deal on these only 25 bucks for 100 talk about cheap :beam:


$25 isnt cheap; last blanks I bought were $5 for 50
I got 2 and havent even gone through my first pack yet :-\

where did you buy those sen? compusa?

Thanks to a little spree this lunchtime, my latest CD buys are

Simple Plan

The Thrills

<b)Plays on work PC</b>


how are they, kit?

is simple plan the one who does “i’m just a kid” or whatever?

how are they compared to all-american rejects?

They’re in a similar vein. :slight_smile:

Yes, they did “I’m Just A Kid” - the best one I’ve heard so far though is “Perfect”, such a great song. :slight_smile:

The Rejects are touring the UK in a few months, might have to go and see them. :beam:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Simple Plan

The Thrills**

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**where did you buy those sen? compusa? **

yeah possibly. heh probably a year or so. I dont use many CDs

Rubbish. :stuck_out_tongue:

True you told me about Simple Plan, but I told you about the Rejects! :slight_smile: And I already knew about the Thrills…

And now I’m telling you about Allistair - listen to some of their stuff, it’s good. :slight_smile:

Besides, I’m older and have been into this music longer, so ner. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by TOOL *
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
I remember seeing them in concert in Paris some time as the first part of Radiohead (problem was: they were better than Radioead :-), and that CD is VERY nice.

Last CD I bough: Hail to the Thief - Radiohead. It’s definitely a good surprise after KID A and Amnesiac…

I’ve listened to a couple tracks of the darkness, and liked what i’ve heard so far! Think I’ll buy their album off CD-Wow!

Ilyas, I agree, Hail to the Theif was a nice surprise!

Mogwai- Happy songs for happy people is a good album too!

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Rubbish. :stuck_out_tongue:

True you told me about Simple Plan, but I told you about the Rejects! :slight_smile: And I already knew about the Thrills…

And now I’m telling you about Allistair - listen to some of their stuff, it’s good. :slight_smile:

Besides, I’m older and have been into this music longer, so ner. :stuck_out_tongue: **
You did not tell me about the Rejects! And now I’ll telling you about Athlete :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, you like the stereophonics :P:P

  • Soul :s:

I did tell you about the Rejects, I told you to listen to “Swing Swing” the other weekend! :slight_smile:

I’m also telling you about Something Corporate. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what’s wrong with the Phonics? They clearly rock. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I’m also telling you about Something Corporate. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what’s wrong with the Phonics? They clearly rock. :slight_smile: **
Oh like I haven’t heard of those! :P:P

The ‘phonics’ don’t ‘rock’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Nor do Oasis or Bleeurghh… sorry Blur :stuck_out_tongue:

Mwhaha :bad:

  • Soul :bad:


sounds like all gross punk to me

cough cough kit and soul cough

The last CD I bought was the new Deftones.

Why did you just cough me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because I wanted to :thumb:

Kit >> go check out The Ataris. Get their latest album if you already haven’t done so. Since we have similar taste in music, I think you’ll like them.