How about some overall impressions of some of the latest stuff you have seen/listend to/played.
Movie - I,Robot
Awesome movie. The story is not that of a usual summer blockbuster - it requires you to use your brain The acting was top notch and Will Smith really showed he can be very versitile and not just a butt kicking, smart talking wise ***. The CG was also just awesome - I couldn’t belive how well they portrayed emotions with the robots. Just awesome.
Music - The Roots “The Tipping Point”
A very talented Rap/Hip-Hop group release an awesome new album. This is a great disk and recommend it to anyone with a taste for hip hop. I have listened to the entire album 2wice now on my ride to and from work and plan on listening a few more times
Movie: Training Day on DVD
It’s the millionth time I’ve probably seen the movie, but Denzel’s acting is great. This is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.
CD: Pure Moods I
I bought this CD six or seven years ago, but found it again only recently. Some of the music here is really nice and relaxing!
Game I Played: Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight
I’m rediscovering all of the old games that I haven’t played as much. So I’m going through and trying to finish them off
Movie: I Borrowed “Paycheck” from a co-worker and watched it the other night. It was probably one of the most predictable movies ever. It kept me mildly entertained for two hours though
Movie: Spiderman 2.
I’m a huge spiderman fan, specially the Spiderman Animated Series (1993-1998 i believe). I liked both Spiderman 1 and 2, and anxious for the next one. I’m wondering who will be the next villain…
CD: Story of the Year - Page Avenue
Great album… :thumb:
movie: blazing saddles. it’s a classic, what more can i say? cd: the anniversary - designing a nervous breakdown. this cd’s a few years old, but one of my favorites. too bad the anniversary broke up. game: mvp baseball 2004
Movie(s): Dodgeball, Shrek 2, HP: POAzkaban, White Chicks - Saw them all in one day at the last day of school with a whole bunch of friends. Paid for one, sneaked into the rest :P.
CD: Eeeh, I hardly buy CDs, I just listen to a whole bunch of different single songs :).
Game:Beyond Good And Evil
Not done yet. Had to return it to Blockbuster last weekend. I’m gonna rent it again when I get home this weekend, hopefully I’ll be able to finish then.
ah, one of the best/only platformers ported to the ever great PC.
Fun game :thumb:
did you know there’s a ranking system on performance in the game? You get ranked among other players on time, completeness, etc. Pretty cool concept.
That’s cool thor, I’d never heard about that before. I just found it on the official website as you were posting. I’m pretty sure I’ll be somewhere near the bottom though, as I tend not to rush through the game in any sense and I think I have taken a photo of every single thing I’ve seen so far. :pleased:
**movie ** Ted Bundi CD Created my own remixes, hav’nt named the cd as yet Game I Played A virus infected version of Halo and CS, they just killed my system…
Movie: Um, actually half of freaky friday. I didn’t like it much. People told me it was good… before that, I guess Predator, the first. Want to brush up (er see them at least once ;)) before AVP Music: I, also, don’t really listen to cd’s so much. Mostly individual songs. Right now I’m all about Teenage Fanclub - Star Sign. But I just bur–er, bought my friends cds, and I can’t wait to get my car back to listen to them in it. She gave me fountains of wayne, eve6, yellowcard, and the moldy peaches. Game: Ugh, haven’t played a game in so long. Oh wait, Zelda, Ocirana for GC on the Master Quest a couple days ago. before that, that Ninja game in flash, I lvoe that thing. It’s so hard! I love threads like this!