Ok theres been lots of talk about fave games and rpgs etc, but what about music from the games, has any made you sad or scared or happy lol and what is your favourate game songs or song.
I have to say my favourite are from rpgs, they have both happy and sad songs as well as some nasty enemie music. I think the final fantasy series is definately the best music i’ve heard but i also love the music from lunar.
What about the rest of you.
Anyway hope i ain’t annoying neone by posting this thread, at the moment i feel a little bit scared that i will be told off for posting a pointless thread on something that personally i like alot. Althougth i can see how some threads have been very silly and useless, i think there needs to be some new rules cause i ain’t sure what is classified as a pointless thread
it has purpose… to find out what music of games people like…
not “how do you like me now” kind of polls/threads…
back on topic… I haven’t found any music on any game that doesn’t get old quick for me… GTA VC at least gave a choice of radio stations… they still have to repeat themselves a lot…
Ye he is a legend , pity he didn’t dothe ffx-2 :(. Grandtheft also did have clever use of music with alot of songs, but they did repeat like u both have said
I haven’t played that , i got wild arms 3 but i couldn’t really get into that, but the music was quite good on that. naah he didn’t he was working on ff11 i read. Lucias theme off lunar eternal blue and the boss battle music are great. i also like the boat song in lunar the shing star, very mushy lol. Oh and eyes on me in final fantasy 8 was nice takes a breath just notices Kit has a red cyborg eye hides in corner scared
I’m not sure if anybody played this game, but it’s called Undying by Clive Barker and Electronic Arts. It’s a FPS where you run around in a haunted mansions/outdoor area and the music is really stunning and creepy.
Of course, Zelda link to the past has a good collection of music. Alas, I have yet to play any of the FF series.
ye FF ROCKS!! i think i played a demo of undying if its the same thing it did have very creepy music . I wanna get silent hill cause i like scary things
Yeah FF’s have some good music…
Also, did anyone ever play Myth II? Thats has some nice music… I can name alot of music that fits the game nice, but this must be one of the best.
Oh yes, now I remeber, cuz I am a fan of FF music, but I did find one game that has the best music, even better than FF. Its in Hitman 2. Music there, is just so good. And goes great with the game…