Lay-out costs ? and what does CMS means >?

i got a question, does anybody knows what CMS means ?
the cms of a website ? :expressionless:

welli got another question, what does a normal good frame/lay-out costs ? i must create a new frame for this website please give me advice over the price, ?, and where do i have to look at when i design a website to messure the price of it ?

CMS ā€¦

Call Me Sally

CMSā€¦ Iā€™m not totally sure the exact nameā€¦

Something likeā€¦ Command Module Systemā€¦

It basically sets it up where you donā€™t have to know any HTML to change your website aroundā€¦ I find it completely useless unless you are going to host multiple people on your website and they all donā€™t know simple HTMLā€¦

It takes alot of time to set it up unless someone gives you their code and if you ask me itā€™s alot easier to copy paste save and send then the stuff in thereā€¦ But thatā€™s just meā€¦


well, actually itā€™s Content Management System (not sure about System).

Whicheverā€¦ Itā€™s not worth the time and effort if you ask me.

ok koowL tnxā€¦

Anytimeā€¦ Just drop a line

And Pay a dimeā€¦ Cause money = time :slight_smile:

And This is a lame rhymeā€¦ Yes yes yesimeā€¦ hehe

rhyme whut whut,
itā€™s like cominā€™in the wrong time,
like red is the defenition of whine ?
Iā€™m not good at english rhyme, but i can say you this in Dutch.
ā€˜ā€˜Als ik een rijm schrijf, weet ik zeker dat ik degene zal zijn die in de ring blijftā€™ā€™. LoL

EHā€¦ HUH?! heheheā€¦

I took Spanish in High School not german :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

the worst thing u can call me is a german !!!
GRRRR :@ heheā€¦spanish ola, that sounds fun ! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


:wink: I knew it as Lynxā€™s definition

lynx is rightā€¦it is content management system

playamarz has got it right with Cause money = time

your costs should be based on how long you think you will take to build the templ8 and any unforseen extras etcā€¦

they are time consuming to do but the client can upd8 their sites themselves leaving you free to get on with other thingsā€¦

good luck

::::: AnOraK :::::

Ahhhhhh, ā€œYour search for CMS returned 112 hitsā€ :!:


ā€œContent Management Systemā€ yes, thatā€™s it.

ā€œweā€ make sites that uses CM systems @ work.

the EASIEST way to use semi CM systems is by using Macromedia Contribue on template based pages.

If a flash CMS isnā€™t your thing, then look for any one of the free content management systems on offer in PHP.

Take a look at PHPNuke for a start. You will need to have mySQL ready to roll but then if your using a CMS you need a database backend of some kind.

The php ones are easy to use and best of all they work well with your flash design.
