*Originally posted by claudio *
**The text on the buttons is very hard to read.
Also, the preloader took a while to show up here. **
*Originally posted by claudio *
**The text on the buttons is very hard to read.
Also, the preloader took a while to show up here. **
That’s because of the webspace. The last link I gave should work. Plz check that one and plz people, stop complaining about the menu, I know it sux, gonna change that.
So I did a little update on the menu, and added the first contant page. Please check this link.
Ok here is my option:
Personally I don’t like the menu AT ALL, it is hard to read the buttons (datapimp = 20/20 vison) and it is hard to get to the button the user wants. Work on the font clarity and the ability to select a button at will and I think it might not be a bad menu.
As for the content background, I don’t like it, it will make the text hard to read when you get your text on the background it will end up drawing more attention to the background image then the text on it. IMO
I think the logo (site header text) should be a different color, the red doesn’t blend well with the rest of the site’s color scheme.
Not a bad site after you finished the above improvements. I really hope it works out for you.
when you move your mouse right, the menu should go left, not right with the mouse. The menu is very hard to use.
PEOPLE, READ THE ****ING TOPIC! I’ve said this 3 times now, and I am NOT going to say this again: THE OLD MENU SUCKED! I already told you it would be changed and the last LINK ik gave has the changed menu. Thnx for the tips Data. I agree with the red thing, but I don’t think that the background distracts it from the text. The last link has a content page so you can check it there.
P.S. Some tips for a alternate color?
I personally don’t like the layout of the new menu. I don’t know why you cretaed a menu where the buttons aren’t all level. I think a more important thing about the logo than it’s color, is the fact that it’s style doesn’t match with the rest of the site either. The rest of your layout hasa clean look it as to where your logo is very messy. Not that messy is a bad thing, but you need to incorporate the rest of the design along with it if you go that direction.
It’s a logo. I can’t change a logo. So when you have a logo, you need to make a entire website in the same style? Well I don’t. The buttons would be too small if I would put them @ the same level.
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