Layout Check

Please tell me what you think of my layout here. Don’t mind the menu, it will be changed. Just tell me what you think of the layout and colors.

Nice and simple layout.
Maybe try much darker colors ?

-Blast :tb:

Dunno, the dark and light blue look ok to me. I haven’t tried something else so thnx 4 the tip!

Some more tips perhaps?

I’m not seeing any layout…in this thread - and your website comes up 404

WTF? It works fine here…

I can see the site fine. It looks good. It will be easier to comment on when you get the content added. I like the blue colours.

All the best.

Thnx dude!

Yep, 404

I don’t see anything either.

hmm, I’ll try to upload it to a other webspace, wait a sec…

The text on the buttons is very hard to read.
Also, the preloader took a while to show up here.

That is a working link. You need to paste it in you browser bar. Don’t mind the ad on the background.

Don’t mind the menu, it will be changed.

The text on the buttons is very hard to read.

Plz read the complete topic…

I did, i just wanted to report that in case you didnt notice.

The layout is pretty good. I think the way the red writing is done, it makes it look out of place in terms of looks compared to the rest of your design. The moving menu is highly annoying though. Since you use a XHTML 1.0 Trans dtd, you’ll want to go validate your code. Here’s a link to help validate your object tag. Hint, you’ll probably want to switch to a HTML 4.01 Trans dtd because of the fact that brinkster doesn’t know where to put it’s own code.

  1. WTF are you talking about?
  2. Please read the complete topic, as I said!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”>

Incase you hadn’t noticed, that’s the first line on your page. It tells the browser that you coded your site using XHTML 1.0 Transitional and it provides the link to the dtd which defines the rules for that version of markup. I was just pointing out that you coded your page incorrectly for using that dtd. I already made comments about your design, so this was more of a FYI.

I dont like the round menus getting flat two early; they aren’t rounded right on the top.
Since I can’t comment on the menu either it’s kind of hard to say anything because there isn’t much to talk about.
The colors are ok if you like them, and I like the contrast between neat blue menus and bloody red text, but I don’t know how the background images are gonna look when there’s text on top of them.

just my ¥2…

Ok thnx for the tip, but what do you mean with going flat too early?