Leaving kirupafourms

NooOOooOOOOOoooOOOO!!! Alex, you can’t leave!!! Who will I pick on??? Who will I torment??? :frowning:

Oh wells, I’ll find myself another victim. muahahha :evil:

yup its true. i leaving but only for 2 weeks starting monday. i am doing pretty bad in math and im goign to need to go to get extra help. and then im goign to work on it all night after school. they said if i fail math i could get asked to leave. so thats why this is really searous. as for you eg. if you want to make fun of me or anything like that, send it to my PM. lol:nerd: :sigh: =)

Ps. how does my footer look. the www. alexsdesigns.net moves if you look closely=)

*Originally posted by Alex *
** as for you eg. if you want to make fun of me or anything like that, send it to my PM. **

ahhah thanks Alex, I was beginning to go through withdrawels! hah:trout:


so long bro! :*(

Yah I’ve tried this once. Said I would stop coming here for the rest of the day and concentrate on work. I was back 10 minutes later.

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**Yah I’ve tried this once. Said I would stop coming here for the rest of the day and concentrate on work. I was back 10 minutes later. **


I have never tried it. I know I don’t have the willpower to pull that off.

like the only guy who ever hit 11k <i>twice</i> could ever leave the forums…



So Alex, when you said you’re leaving, did you mean you’re leaving this thread or this forum because you’re still here. :sure:

lol where is my going away presents.

hiht hint

::::cough Spam award cough::::

j/k:nerd: :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**lol where is my going away presents.

hiht hint

::::cough Spam award cough::::

j/k:nerd: :slight_smile: **

Blah, forget the Spam award, I now pronouce you to be MOD of this thread!! Congratulations Alex, you deserved it!! :geek:

woohoo!!! thanks thats the best present EVER!!!1:bandit: :beam: :beam:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Phunny, Ive never said that or even tried… :P:P

pj :wink: **

Yah but some of us actually have work :P:P:P

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**So Alex, when you said you’re leaving, did you mean you’re leaving this thread or this forum because you’re still here. :sure: **

im leaving monday.:smirk:

:::packing bags, even though im not moving:::

that is going to be really tough to keep me away from here. its going to be like going cold turkey. lol this is goign to be really hard :bad: