okay… i have a scripting question, but when i went to the scripting section everyone was talking abount functions, physics, varibles and == and other out-of-reach-at-the-moment kinda stuff… so if it’s okay with the mods… i’d like to post my question here… if it’s not… i’m sure you guys will move it… i just feel a little more comfortable here at the moment…
first of all i’m using flash 5, not mx… be aware of this one… the extra confusion could give me a heart attack…
i just want to understand the concepts used behind scripting a flash site… this is the example for my first two questions…
my questions begin with…
how is a site like this "traditionally" "set up"? does he have the buttons "going to" new scenes?... or do the buttons "load" new .swfs?...
how would the script "traditionally" be set up for something like this?...
okay now here’s a few more questions… (i’m trying to avoid making five hundred new thread topics…)
say i want something happening in the background of the site... and then at a particular time i want another movie clip to appear above the "animation" already in progress in the background... would levels be nessesary to use when "calling" the new movie?... to do this type of action would the second movie clip need to be called by a frame event, since i would want it functioning totally independent of buttons or the interactivity properties of the site?...
in applying sound effects… do you apply them to a button directly or do they play in the main time line itself?.. where can i go to get information about button sounds and applying sounds?
let’s say i wanted to have a picture of myself fade in to interact with the background of my site… the picture had a masking effect on it that was a sort of animated ripple… in creating the movie clip for this would tweening be sufficent and wise to use?..
it was said to me a few days ago to be minimalistic with tweening… this seriously kicked me in the head, because up that time i had already came quite a ways with my website… but i really didn’t understand the navigational structure… and when it was said that tweening should not be used if it could be helped… i basically stopped dead in my tracks and quit working on the site…
i realize now that there is some learning to be done… i have spent the last three days soaking up every piece of basic actionscripting i can get my hands on… and for the first time… i’m beginning to understand…
i appreciate the feedback. i know beyond any shadow of a doubt that within a few minutes someone here will respond… though don’t get to comfortable… i’m full of questions and i guarentee that before the day is over… i’ll have a nother one… =)