last time i posted on this topic, i recieved many good suggestions and remarks about my site. anyways, i finally changed my site to those remarks. ( i didnt try posting on last thread in fear if it being dead)
hmmmm, professional? no…but I think that you are doing well for your first flash site. Keep it up, I think you’ll get it too look very professional w/ some practice. It takes some time. :tie:
there is a bit much to comment on (not a bad thing) So I will try and be a little more helpful when I get home and have time to look at it more. :love:
Hey Uncle Guito! I noticed the scroll bar for undead_zeus, keeps going up when I try to read the last two lines of his info, oh… same for g_dawg.
Hope its not too much of a problem!
[edit] Oh, I just noticed you posted the password, i will check it out[/edit]
Oh! noticed the old site looks like what some people would consider “professional” but… the old site’s corners and bitmaps apear very out-of-place. But you might want to make, or take some of those “old” graphics!
yeah i didnt make that site, my friend did, which is what inspired him to make his web design company-
as soon as he got better, we scrapped it, but ill consider taking out some of those old graphics, considering i made them all!