Making professional


i finished my first site a little big ago, and posted some threads to get people to see and help me with my site.

one thing someone said was that i needed to make my site more professional looking.

with that, i cannot figure out and special effects or ideas to make my site more professional.

if anyone has any suggestions as to how i can make my site look better my site is here:

thanks :ub:

Take a look around on the net at some professional examples.Swift 3d’s site is my favourite. Try using complimentary colours. Also I wouldn’t recommend using a “stretchy” flash movie - It looks distorted when viewed at higher resolutions. You could make your buttons a little more interesting… try different fonts etc… It’s all trial and error :wink:

try posting this in the site check section of the forum you will get more opinions there or ask a mod to move this thread to the site check section


dear guito,

It’s good that you want opinions on your site. But, please don’t underestimate what design is all about!

I trained for 4 years as a designer and have been freelancing for 2 years. It takes time, practice and research to be a good designer.

Having said this, i don’t really understand what your site is all about. Some guidelines:

Who is your audience?
What is your aesthetic? (what is the look you are going for)
Research! go to , click everything everywhere, always find things to use as influence (NOT copy).

With web, there is so much freedom. But it can be overwhelming!

Also, don’t assume “effects” are the answer! most of the best design out there is about being sympathetic with your designs.

I like to be understated so that people will look at my website and no nothing about design, but will feel comfortable with the design. Also web heads will see some nifty coding etc that does the job well without showing off.

I wish flash wasn’t called flash! It gives the wrong to impression to most of the public.

I would do some experiments with colour, be very careful using strong background images over text. Feel for it, love it and don’t accept second best.

There are always compromises to be made, but write a brief for yourself outlining exactly what your site is all about, who will view it etc.

And remember you don’t have to be an advanced flash technician to make a beautiful, crisp funky site.

good luck, i can send you some links to sites that i love and give you an overview of what makes them great if you want.


hey kdzines!

good to see that people are actually responding to my posts.

anyways, i saw that you asked a few questions about my site
first of all:

  1. my site is directed to general gamers and people researching for clans to play with and join

  2. in my site, i am looking for a new, futuristic look that is crisp and smooth ( no i cant make html websites, only flash) with that in mind
