Lightning effect

Does enybody know a way to make this lightning like is done in the top part of this website

I don’t see any lightning but I will direct you to this:

i don’t see any lightning either:(
you could try aftereffects btw:)
but it’s expensive:(

if you are referring to the “lighting” effect on the DUB LOGO, then its more than likely just a masked shape tween. Possible with ascript too, but easy as hell to do using a simple mask and a nice linear gradient tween.

you should click on the magazine then you will get to the site that i mean

There can be mane ways… AS can also be used but can get complex… easy way will be motion tweening and some keyframing. I dont have though much details on how to achieve that effect… But I would suggest understanding the motion u need. you can use pen tool to created a lightning branch then tween it as required.

looks like a 6 frame loop - imported pngs/gifs most likely. theflash is on the right track, if u have flash8, just freehand pentool the frames and and make a movieclip out of the sequence. add blur and glow to the mc and hey presto - lightning!

Ok, here:

Its a video file, made in After Effects. u could do it in flash8, and i bet the filesize difference would be massive(like vector flash8 file of 50k max compared to this size - 250k)