Little joke

you probaly heard tha one before, but i´m gonna say it anyway (-:
[FONT=century gothic]In a medical conference, three doctors are braging about theyr country medical achievements…

**:flower: French doctor - ** Do you know that in france we made a sucessful brain transplant in a dumb man, and he was searching for job in six months after that?

**:tie: German doctor - ** good… but in my country we made the same thing with a pacifistic one, and he was getting ready for war in no more than three months!

**:phil: American doctor - ** nah… that´s nothing! in USA we get a brainless man in the white house, and half of the country is searching for jobs while the other half is reading themselves for war!!

lmao… Wonderful use of smilies guig… :smiley:

btw… About the backdoor site Mr… Are you logging in all the time?! Or are you quicklinking it… Because you can’t quicklink it anymore :wink:

listn guig
no offence but do u call that a joke:sigh:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

good one guigo :A+: :wink:

*Originally posted by B-Dawg *
**listn guig
no offence but do u call that a joke:sigh: **

don´t ask me…ask these guys:

Guig0 is looking above this post


no offence but do u calll that a joke

lol whats wrong with you basil… :crazy:

no offense, but do you think you’re really a dawg?

I thought it was funny. It obviously went over your head b-dawg :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Good one Guig :slight_smile:

haha, good one guig0
how about this one:

During a propaganda tour, president Bush visits a school to explain his
politics to kids. He invites the kids to ask him questions. Bobby stands
up and tells him “Mr. President, I got 3 questions:”

  1. How come, that although the count of votes was not in your favor,
    you still won the election?

  2. Why do you want to attack Iraq without an imminent reason?

  3. Don’t you also consider the bombing of Hiroshima the biggest terrorist
    attack of all times?

Before the president can answer, the recess bell rings, and the kids leave
the room. After they came back, Bush invited them again to ask questions.
Joey stands up and tells him “Mr. President, I got 5 questions:”

  1. How come, that although the count of votes was not in your favor, you
    still won the election?

  2. Why do you want to attack Iraq without an imminent reason?

  3. Don’t you also consider the bombing of Hiroshima the biggest terrorist
    attack of all times?

  4. Why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early?

  5. Where’s Bobby?

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

ok … you really made me laugh this time mak :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: that´s a better one mak!

what about that dawng? good enough for ya?
be careful, or else i´ll set dan lose on you :bad:…

:stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

hey dan: nevermind him, he´s probably bush jr jr :wink:

B-Dawg? Is that related to Deputy Dawg? :slight_smile:

Please, no offence intended. Just jesting. :slight_smile:

lol!.. its just… b-dawg… his name is Basil and apparently he think hes a dawg :stuck_out_tongue:


um…he thinks hes a dawg? ok whatever…

:bad: :bad: whatever floats the boat… :crazy:

yes ahmed i am a dawg and its better than u
he thinks he is a geek or a computer genius A+:
sad ya?

Look if you guys wanna computer fight
theres a nice little little ‘battle’ section :stuck_out_tongue:
post’em more jokes !!!