Just wondering if anyone could explain this to me…I have a slideshow that works fine when I preview it by itself, but when I load it into a movie clip in another document, it doesn’t show pics, only the fading transitions. I’ve posted the .fla(s) here: http://www.holepunchstudios.com/help.zip Any help would be appreciated.
Ya. I saw that you’ve answered this question a couple times. Could you explain what the diff. _root, _parent, _level0, etc. mean? What I finally did was create a _global.loadedClip = this; in my loaded clip. It fixed a lot of stuff. What I’m doing is, loading a clip into a clip that’s being loaded into a clip…now that I’ve been totally confusing, is that something that is normally done by “good” flashers? I want to go by common programming practices, but don’t really know what the “norm” is. Finally what I had to do to get some buttons to work was to double up on my _root. I have NO idea why that worked, but I read it in a thread on the forums.
If you know what all those target things mean, love to hear it…otherwise, I’d appreciate it if you could point me in that direction. Thanks man.
You’ve got a webpage that has the code:
<img src=“images/bar.gif” />
If you try to paste that same code in a page with a different domain/directory structure, it’s not going to be able to find it and thus will report a broken image (white box, red x).
Flash needs to know where stuff is sometimes. If you use _root in a SWF, and then load that SWF into another SWF, you’re telling Flash to look at the very _root of the main, container SWF, not your loaded SWF.
Usually you can just replace _root with _parent. But you can also use “this” or level[insert number].
Check the help file for more in-depth information.
That’s great. Basically, I guess, since I’m using 04, I can use global variables. Is that a good way to do that? What about the time I had to double up my _root? Can you explain a better way to do that (if that’s not a good way).
hi Holepunch, did you manage to get your fla working. I still can’t grasp the concept of _root _parent This. I thought I got it but I can’t seem to get your fla to work.
In your looping fla you refer twice to _root (line18/36). As standalone that’s no problem, cause _root refers to the main timeline.
Your movieclip photo is in that main timeline and because that timeline executes the prototypes (in this case) you can skip that “_root” or replace it by “this” (“this” in a prototype refers to the movieclip that calls it, yep, in this case “_root” or better said the maintimeline.
So far so good. If you load looping.swf in another movie, _root refers to maintimeline, which then is index.swf’s _root. There’s no mc “photo” here and thus it’s not working.
If you have skipped the _root, it’s working and if you’ve used “this” too, cause “this” refers to the timeline that called the prototype, which in this case is the mc timeline you’ve load looping.swf in…
Makes sense?[size=1] it’s starting to confuse me, LOL[/size]