so i have this site i’m working on right, and so far everythings great, but here’s a question… the preloader component i used was a mere 4k in size,after all my work on frame 2 why is it that my first layer is now 64k in size. It won’t even show the first layer let alone the preloader until it loads this whole 64k. Is it because it’s loading the library etc? How can i get the preloader to show from point 1 intesd of point 8 which seems pretty useless??
Do you have any symbols in your library with linkage identifiers that export the symbol in the first frame?
How do i check for that?
In the debugger under output i get this… can you tell me what it refers to?
Level #0: Frame=2
Movie Clip: Frame=20 Target="_level0.instance18"
Movie Clip: Frame=45 Target="_level0.instance19"
Movie Clip: Frame=45 Target="_level0.instance20"
Movie Clip: Frame=35 Target="_level0.instance21"
I’m not sure what all that means. It looks like something in frame 2 is calling on targets in other frames, so I assume those other frames have to load before frame 2 can do it’s thing…sorry I really don’t know why it’s not working. Hopefully somebody with more experience with preloaders will come along and help.
I vanquish the preloader component, I hate that thing.
With that said… Did you right click on anything in your library and choose “Linkage” then “Export for Actionscript”???
If not, then I have no clue what is going on.
There are some good preloader tutorials on if you search for them.
none of my symbols are checked off for linkage into frame 1 and non are set to export for actionscript.
I’m gonna dump the preloader component as lost in beta suggests.
But of all the preloader tutorials on Kirupa should i just grab the one that tells me exactly what actionscript code to use and build my own?
Standard Basic Preloader:
Preloader with Precentage Loaded:
Preloader with Percentage Loaded and Load Bar:
Whichever one of those fits what you are looking for in a preloader.
Everyone hates the component!!
So far, i havnt had any troubles at all =)
I must be a luck one!!
slikspic :: do u have an fla i can look at?
I have never used it, but we get so many questions on this forum about problems people are having with it, I just got to hate it.
Preloaders aren’t hard to make, I don’t think it is something you need a component for.
Ahh thanks… I should have searched!
the file is too large to post on so here’s the fla for all your downloading and helping pleasures…
Preloader components are officially on my doodoo list :hair:
Now read up on the 3 tutorial links I posted before
check my fla lostinbeta, tell me if our conclusion that the preloader was the culpret is in fact correct
Well considering you .fla file is just tweens… I would say.
Your preloader has two frames, one with the preloader component and one with the movie. I have never used the preloader component before, I just hate it because of all the questions we get on the forum about problems with it. But I am pretty sure you just drag and drop it to the first frame like you did.
i told you it wasn’t much at this point lolC:-)
Yeah, but you also gotta think, since not much is there… your preloader might just be skipped since everything might load right away :-\
I went throug ur fla, dont know why, but i couldnt get it to work with yours!!
What have u done!!
Here is the same preloader, though this one works!! =)
Its easy to figure it out, but any problems, let me know =)
remember to hey control + Enter so you can view it streaming after you hit, test movie!! =)