Please shoot me!

I cannot for the life of me get anykind of preloader to work with my site. If you look at the site

and hit enter the pop up will pop up and then sit there for about 10 seconds, then the preloader will come up apearing like it had been running the whole time. The preloader is the only thing in the first frame, why wouldn’t it show up and why would the first frame show up in the Bandwidth Profiler as being over 2000 kb, i’m mean my movie is big but beside a couple small animations on the main timeline I used mc and swf file.

please help

are you using components? large images? Sounds? any movieclips linked for Actionscript? etc etc… these could all be causing it to preload in that manner… search the forums for an answer. Its been asked a lot :slight_smile:

i had that exact same problem…

loader doesnt work for awhile… then it just appears almost done, and i trried every method of loader, i even copied and pasted all the frames onto a new file, and i tried scenes, all kinds of shiznit, it just wouldnt work, there has to be a way though…

Originally posted by Cheez00
there has to be a way though…

Originally posted by Jubba
search the forums for an answer. Its been asked a lot :slight_smile:


This has nothing to do with flash, just your site…

(and your preloader is working on my comp)


I know to most people, typos, etc. are things that go by unnoticed, but for people like me, they’re a really big distraction.

Just a tip…

there is a free preloader component in the Macromedia exchange site. It doesnt get any easier. Just put the component in the first frame of your movie. Put all other content in the second frame.

I GOT IT, thanks to the help from many other people besides myself,

OK this is what I understand, when a flash movie loads before anything shows up it has to load the very first frame. so if the first frame is huge like it was in my movie it will take for ever. When you use the linkage for actionscript on a mc and the export to first frame his marked as well. it will load everything on the frame and then play it.

this one can be calked up to opperator error!