Preloader lag

Ok, here’s the deal. I followed the preloader tutorial on this site and it works for the most part. The problem is, the preloader doesn’t show up until 50% or so. So, I went through my *.fla and removed all the unnecessary files (I had started this project a couple months ago, gave up, and then started again with the same *.fla, so I cleaned out a great deal of stuff). Now, instead of showing up at around 50%, the progress bar shows up around 26% (at least it’s somewhat better).

I’m aware that others have had this problem (I did do a search!), but I can’t figure out the solution. None of my files have the linkage “export in first frame” so that shouldn’t be the problem.

I found this post from Jubba which may be of some help…

also if you are using componennts or having anything exported in the first frame, these things are loaded before the first frame of the movie, and therefore, before the preloader…

So do the flash components (scrollbar in this case–which isn’t even used in this particular movie) actually take up 26% of a 96k movie?

Here’s a link to the *.fla in question. Thanks in advance.


I went through the same problem as well with components and what I did was remove the components from the movie completely be deleting it from the library as well. Delete your components from the library and on stage and see if there’s a difference.

Thanks electron…i’ll give it a whirl and see if it helps :slight_smile:

btw, i’m still trying to upload that *.fla…if i ever do get it uploaded, it will be on my geocities directory

i ran out of space on the truman server (we only get 10 mb anyway!).


whoa! just tried it…worked like a charm

thanks a lot man!

so is there anything I can do on the pages that do require components?


I really don’t know if there’s a solution or not, I would advise not using components period. If you need a scroll bar, then make your own. Components are fast and easy to install, but they cause problems…

thanks for the info

that’s pretty stupid that the components screw up the preloader…b/c they’re so easy to use :frowning:


Im pretty sure this issue isn’t homosexual or happy.

Annoying… yes… homosexual or happy… no.

And there is a way around it. The issue happens because of the Export to First Frame option being checked in the export settings of certain clips in the library.

This exports to the invisible frame 0 so that the content can load before it has to be used.

Why must it load before it has to be used? Simple… because it is dynamically called out of the library, and if it isn’t loaded it can’t be called on, therefore you can’t use it.

What is the solution? Create what I would call a “junk” frame right after your preloader, it will be an empty frame where you can drag your components or whatever you use that has dynamic linkage settings set. After dragging everything to this frame you can uncheck the “Export to First Frame” option in all the clips links properties.

Since all of the clips will be on the stage right after the preloader, the preloader should load all of those clips right away and then when you actually have to use the preloader after that all the clips will be loaded.

This saves you that lag.

In theory this should work. I never had to try it with a component, but it works with the sounds called using attachSound() and movies called using attachMovie() :wink:

hmmm…sounds like it would work to me.

i’ll give it a shot the next time the situation arises.

thanks for the advice :slight_smile:


No problem. :slight_smile:

And as of this thread I retired myself of preloader questions… :thumb:


just in time!



LOL, well my answer to you wan’t fully related to the preloader, it was related to an object affecting your preloader. That may or may not be a loophole in my retirement, im still working out the retirement plan :wink:

isn’t it funny how something as seemingly insignificant as a preloader can cause people so much trouble? maybe macromedia will make a component preloader for the next version of flash…it would save a lot of threads on this discussion board :slight_smile:

maybe you should add this info you told me to the tutorial? it might cut down on repeat questions.


People don’t read my tutorial…lol. They copy and paste. You know how many repeat questions we got on people asking why when they make the preloader bar be like 300 px wide it still only goes to 100px. I have the code explanation in the tutorial, with it all pretty and highlight, but people don’t read it, so many questions on my tutorial could have been prevented had they read it.

So I don’t know, I don’t think I have the energy to put into that tutorial anymore.

As for a component preloader, if you mean a preloader component, they have one… it sucks monkey butts. If you mean a preloader for Export to First Frame items… yes that would rock.

If you want to join the club, sign Colin Moocks Better Preloading API petition…

I did :thumb:

By the way, there is a loader component.
I dislike it, but u might want to take a look.

You like posting at the same time as my claudio…lol. :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: I think we’re the only ones posting here at 4:31am (my time).

Lets stop buggin lostinbeta with preloader question. Reading the code explanation doesnt take hours and u still get a chance to learn more AS.

I should get some sleep…


It’s 3:38am my time… I should get some sleep too.

So would you say that creating the “junk” frame directly after the preloader to hold all of your components and linked objects would be better than preloading into a container movie??