Problems with preloader..!

Hello there,

It´s strange,
I have a preloader on 1 frame and them some pictures on 2 frame,
But before preolader starts , there few seconds that nothing appears…

The preloader is ****ing basic …! So why does the preloader needs about
20 k to load before starting.

And the pictures i have on the 2 frame aren´t “linkage to first frame”…

Can anyone help with this…?


If you use components or sound objects imported to the first frame, preloader gets delayed.

Nop :!:

I´m not using none of this.

Any new ideas?

can you post your fla?

I’m having the same problem, when you figure it out, can you let me know?

I’ve run it using the bandwith profiler and my program loads about 50k before it shows the preloader, then loads another 8k and runs!

Thanks a lot


This forum don´t accept .fla or .swf from Macintosh.

Thats not true.
I use mac and i can post fla.

If the file is from a mac and you don’t .zip it, then windows users get a Unknown File Error :-\

I don’t know if this happens if another Mac user opens it though.

Filete: If you only have 2 images, and have nothing set to load before the preloader, then there should be no issues… there must be more you aren’t telling us… as Kazchix said… a .fla would be nice, even though I myself won’t be able to check it out, if Kazchix runs a mac, she might.

Who knows… maybe its a mac issue :stuck_out_tongue: Even though that was kind of a sarcastic putdown to macs (although I like the OSX), it is true that Macs do contain a lot of bugs when it comes to Flash, thats proven.

I have a Dell Inspiron with a windows platform, and according to my bandwidth profiler, it loads 50k in “frame 0” I have inserted the exact same preloader in other movies and don’t have this problem. The actual movie, pictures and all is 8K and the bandwidth profiler thinks it’s 58K? What is happening in frame 0?
Thanks for all your help

Can you post your .fla??

If you are only preloading 58k, why are you using a preloader?

even on dial up there will only be a 1 1/2 second download…

personally, I hate waiting for a preloader to finish, just to show the site. Keep it small, then there is no need for a preloader…



Hi again,

I guess i found the problem,
i was using a component for the pictures, now i ,ve put a .avi with
800 k , and there wasn´t any delay on the preloader:)

By the way, is this supposed to happen, i mean, when you use components?

And i want to use preloader for every .mp3 or video that people can see.
What is the best way to dynamically load a .mp3 ?
Create diferent .swf files or just put a link on the _mc where you want
the file to appear?

thanks again


I’ve found the problem, but I’m not sure why it’s the problem (I’ll also try to figure out how to post my .fla).
The dynamic txtfields seem to be huge, I two text fields with about 30 characters and it takes 2K. Why is that? and why does it load in frame 0?

You can post your .fla by attaching it (in a reply there will be a field towards the submit button that says “Attach File”) but if the file is too big you can upload it to a server and link to it.

As for the textfields being the problem… Do you use the scrollbar component?

Am I observing two different topics on this thread?? Btw, for filete here’s a good almost perfect tutorial on loading sound.

I personnally create loadSound swf to handle all the external mp3 files and put preloader on that file so that it doent affect main swf.

Yes, that’s it, it’s the componet folder in the library. Is there a way to make it load after my preloader? Or, better yet, to load it with my source movie and use it in from the source movie’s library? (my file is too bid to upload it, sorry, but I’m glad I know how, thanks).

Well the thing with components is that they must load before you actually use them. This means that the components items are checked to “Export To First Frame” in the linkage properties and they load before your preloader.

I haven’t tried it, but I heard it works…

On all the objects in your component uncheck the export to first frame option in the Linkage settings for each of the clips that have it (not sure which ones exactly, and theres 82 in the scrollbar component I believe… so have fun) and after you do that… create an empty frame right after the frame your preloader is in in a new layer. Drag an instance of the scrollbar component into this frame off to the side of the stage so it isn’t visible in the standard stage dimensions. This will allow Flash to load the items of the scrollbar (or other) component before you actually have to use it.

As I said, I never tested it, but I hear it works.

it doesn’t quite work, do you know of a source I can go to to hear exactly what they did?

Search the forum

And search for Preloader Problems, or Export to First Frame, Components and Preloaders and things like that. Its been mentioned a few times.

As for reasons why those textfields are so huge, did you embed the font? (character menu on textfield.)