[FONT=Verdana]Last week I asked a question about loading external swf files into a mc. I got the question answered [Thanks to tfoston] and it was all good, but after some modifications to my website, I came across another issue.
The script I got from tfoston solved the problem but only if I wanted to load the movie in _root level, but now I need it to load inside a particular symbol where the content would be.
Heres the script:[/FONT]
var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader()
var my_list:Object = new Object()
my_list.onLoadInit = function(my_mc){
my_mc._x = 75
my_mc._y = 125
my_mcl.loadClip("the external.swf",my_mc)
** How can I modify the script so that I can have the MC created within the symbol?**
Thanks in advance to anyone out there who can help me.