Loading problems

Im using a image viewer code from this forum, I think it´s Scotty that has put it together (thanks!). The problem I have is when I load this .swf into my main movie using MCL it just stops working. Anyone have an idea on this? Here’s the code and I also attach my .fla

// how many nav buttons
var picNum:Number = 5;

// start
containerMC._alpha = 0;
btn1.alphaTo(100, .5)
btn1.enabled = false;

// navigation
for (var i = 1; i<=picNum; i++) { 
	_root["btn"+i].topText_mc.text = *;

// buttons
function hitButton(nbrID) {
	btn = _root["btn"+nbrID];
	btn.nbrID = nbrID;
	btn.onRollOver = function() {
		this.alphaTo(100, .5);
	btn.onRollOut = function() {
		this.alphaTo(30, .5);
	btn.onRelease = function() {
		btn1._alpha = 30;
		btn1.enabled = true;
		for (var i = 2; i<15; i++) {
        	_root["btn"+i]._alpha = 30;
			_root["btn"+i].enabled = true;
    		this._alpha = 100;
			this.enabled = false;

for (var i = 1; i<15; i++) {

// view images
MovieClip.prototype.loadPic = function(pic){
	containerMC._alpha = 0;
	_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
		var t = containerMC.getBytesTotal(), l = containerMC.getBytesLoaded();
		if (t != 0 && Math.round(l/t) == 1&&containerMC._width>0){
			var w = containerMC._width + 2, h = containerMC._height + 2;
			bg_mc.resizeMe(w, h);			
			delete _root.onEnterFrame;

MovieClip.prototype.resizeMe = function(w, h) {
    var speed = 3;
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        this._width += (w-this._width)/speed;
        this._height += (h-this._height)/speed;
        if (Math.abs(this._width-w)<1) {
            this._width = w;
            this._height = h;
            containerMC._x = border._x-containerMC._width;
    		containerMC._y = border._y-containerMC._height/2;
            _root.containerMC._alpha += 9;
            if (_root.containerMC._alpha>90) {
                _root.containerMC._alpha = 100;
                delete this.onEnterFrame;

containerMC.loadPic ("images/1.jpg");