Logan's Fun!

hi guys… I’m kinda practicing and getting used to using my tablet (+ Painter), which I might add, is incredibly difficult to get used to! :stuck_out_tongue: So… I was doing some swishy movements and it… well… kinda developed :slight_smile:

I guess you’d called it a Wolverine caricature - it took waaay longer than it should have done… but nevermind :)… let me know what you think anyway :beam:

(if I can be arsed/actually achieve it, I may add a body at a later date :))

Thanks! :thumb:

That is actually not bad (the strokes). Practice makes perfect. I have an intuous and a graphire. I dont use them much to used to paper. It actually looks like a good chariacture tho. (excuse the mis-spelling its late here)

its a good start, you should def. do the rest of the body.

weee! I think I might… try :slight_smile:

thanks guys :thumb:

Yeah, do the rest of him, it looks good! :slight_smile:

i like it did you use a wacom tablet or the pen tool? i’d like 2 know :).

he used his wacom

as stated :wink:

Not bad at all! The “Batman-ish” lines fits it well.

Mean robotic wolverine :cool:

Batman-ish, that’s it! You’re absolutely right, Kajinku. I like it very much :slight_smile:

wow i like it a lot too! nice.

Looks like Johnny Bravo and Wolverin had a kid.

is that possible?

Scary thought, but I see where you’re coming from. :slight_smile: It’s got that kind of edge to it, which reminds you of the Johnny Bravo (who, by the way, rocks). I think it’s the square jaw. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**is that possible? **
There’s only one way to find out! :bad:

Yeah kit - I love Johnny Bravo… so so funneh! :slight_smile:

nice one asphalt!