Logo check...any thoughts

Doing a logo for a client, she’s wants to use blue and yellow. It’s for a ESL brochure. Here’s what I got so far, any suggestions or comments. Which one do you like?

Make the “land” green on #1… might look better that way, or even white.

what wizard said.

I agree, but I think you should ditch the radial gradient


Like wizard said or #4

lol… i was thinking… looks like soemthing i would find in my spanish class. And wut do you know? it’s for a esl clas :).

I think it’s ok… but i’m not a fan of blue and yellow. I say make the land green like was said above :).


thanks for the feedback everyone. I’ll do some changes in the next couple days and post to see what you think. Does anyone like the concept of #4 and #5. I think they’re different, not so cliche or something.

3d Nirvana, blue and yellow aren’t my favorite either. She actually wanted “banana yellow and teal blue” eesh, I couldn’t bare to even try that, so I stuck with the above colors.

“I agree, but I think you should ditch the radial gradient”

I quite like the radial gradient in #1 actually … LOL, beauty is on the eye of the beholder after all

I like number 4 =)

ditto :slight_smile:

the gradient looks good, and number 1 is the best

#4 is the best!

#5 :slight_smile:

Simplicity is best, having the blue fill may make it hard to notice if you fax something to a client or make a copy of a document (copy machine) w/ your logo on it … the other person might just see a black ball.

Also scale the image down, make sure that you are able to distinguish your logo at a small size. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: just my .02

thanks everyone. i’m leaning towards number 4 myself. I like that little bit of read and the negative space. Here’s a question that came about after reading tonygarcia’s response… What happens with number four and five if it’s printed on different colored paper? Should I use a white background within the globe in order to keep the logo consistent?

Thanks again, i’ll be sending the client a few mock ups to see which they like best.

oh one more thing, any thoughts on how much I should charge for this particular logo? Just thought I’d ask for opinions.

Thanks everyone.