Logo check

This is a logo I am doing for a local county government site I am doing. Dont laugh. It is for a breastfeeding coalition. That actually is the name. I am going to be doing like 5 sites for them but this is the first logo. Opinions please.

fantastic, you got all the elements of a good logo, it’s simple and clean. Since it’s for a breast feeding coalition, you got that feminine feel to it with the soft curves. Good job. =)

Yes excellent job. Good vector. What progy?

■■■■ electron you are good…you said everything I was think ing when I made the logo. about the curves and stuff and associating that with feminine. I gotta look around for a hidden camera in my office here at home! The site I did for them is just as feminine the colors they asked for are crazy

I did it in fireworks. I tried to get the brush stroked look

muahahah I’m watching you!! :evil:

hey electron how did you do your footer effect again?? And would you mind if I used a similar effect for this ad I am doing??

nice logo 3d!

how did you make the lines? are they single strokes with a varying width fill, or is each one a filled object with a thin/no stroke?

i like the variations of width

it is a mixture of both actually, thanks for the comments

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**hey electron how did you do your footer effect again?? And would you mind if I used a similar effect for this ad I am doing?? **

I posted a source fla file for the effect in the tutorial section awhile back, but the tutorial section is now gone so if you want then PM me your email addy and I’ll send the file to you. It’s not the exact same copy, but it should give you an idea.