Client logo check

This is for a software corporation…
Any suggestions…
>NOTE< This is a PS 7/Bryce 5 project.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

New image…

I think they’re nice. I prefer the second one. You’ve got to be careful that your work doesn’t look as if its just a bunch of photoshop filters, like the lens flare. Lens flares are kind of overused and as soon as I see one it jumps out at me, which is unfortunate.

What kind of software do they make?

Good work though :thumb: Are you only making one for them? Usually you make a few and then they choose one, you’ve got a better chance of them being happy that way :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

I like it, it’s got some great colours in there, but I’m not sure about the black on the wording. Can’t quite put my finger on why. Maybe the black is too harsh against the softer background?

Maybe you have weak eyes :bad:

Pffft. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just not convinced about black. But then I can’t think of a better colour either off the top of my head, so I’ll sit in a corner and be quiet now… :slight_smile:

I agree the black isnt too good…
either that or the background dosent suit the black…(take your pick)

Well, I wasn’t a fan of the black in the beginning either. Below are some first attempts. This will be first of many choices for the Corp. From what I gather, they produce online games mainly. Therefore, my next attempt will be some sort of an Atari theme.


Now those, I like. :slight_smile:

thanks kit =)

I reckon the text works much better on these ones.

It made me finally work out what I didn’t like about the black. It was simply because it was a black block. Against that background it just looked out of place.

These new ones have more texture and depth to them, which is why they look better, in my opinion. :slight_smile:

For some reason, I just thought that the black had a cleaner look to it… I will tweak some more soon

just formatted my computer and i havn’t installed any drivers for my graphics, heh, all i can see is like black and white pixels!

Please let me know what you think when you install your drivers…

I’m on a logo evangelism kick today, so I thought I’d put my 2 cents in.

The chromey, extruded type in the last version looks spectacular. However, if this is going to be a company’s logo, you might want to kill the backgroundy stuff. If you were to drop that type treatment onto white, it’d look sharp as hell. It’d even work for letterhead, business cards, etc. Honestly, the version with all of the Bryce background might look okay on screen, but would be a ***** to get printed on anything.

I don’t know what applications this is going to be used for, but it’s always a good idea to make any identity item for a company be as multi-purpose as possible. Consistency across mediums is gold in the world of corporate identity.

rock on stim!!
that was like 3 cents worth…:slight_smile:
As of now, the logo will be used on the site only.
As for print, the b-ground will be dropped and text will be white with a little more tweak…
So, for a SITE ONLY what are your thoughts?


> So, for a SITE ONLY what are your thoughts?

Well, I still prefer the last one…you might try for a little more contrast on the type.

I’d have to see that design in a comp to know what I really think. In general, I’m not too big on busy graphics like that, but that’s just the illustrator in me.

Good work.