ok this is my first real attempt at a logo for my site. feed back is welcome and encoraged. anything is helpful.
Done in FWMX:
now its time for bed cause its 12:30 AM here and i am SO tired.
ok this is my first real attempt at a logo for my site. feed back is welcome and encoraged. anything is helpful.
Done in FWMX:
now its time for bed cause its 12:30 AM here and i am SO tired.
The logo is okay, but you need to work on the text because a good logo would work at any size. For example if you were to reduce what you have now down to say 50 x 50, I don’t think the text would be readable. So play with the text and then scale it down, if the text could is readable then it’s fine.
good advice eg…also the way it is it looks like something is missing from the bottom half of the circle.
elec i will deff play with that, thanks. 3d, yeah i noticed that too…i dont know what yet, but i will just keep fooling around.
ye very cool! I like it!
looks like a smiley to me…anyone else see a smiley??
not feeling very critical right now…
ye very cool! I like it!
um…good feedback Syko =)
i kinda see a smiley, but we are a happy site! so it makes sense!
lol! yeah I see a smiley!:bounce:
i mean, the colors are too next to each other, perhaps you wanna increase the contrast by using more oposite colors :-\
nice start tho
i will try it when i get a chance. right now i am going to play Xbox Live and my brother is hiding both my mice so its going to be a little hard lol (stupid wireless, at least i still have my wacom pen!)
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**…at least i still have my wacom pen!) **
you didn´t miss a chance to brag about it :bad:
just j/k
good for you man! =)
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