wack no1 and 2 in the bin… no 3 is something you could work on again for my tast a bit to chiselled…try to make the borders more round i thin it would be pleasing to the ey - but for that all looks like stuff i’ve seen before
If I had to choose one I’d pick number 3 in the second set of logos you posted.
If you really like the brad font I think the second one of the third set of logos you posted could look okay if you maybe made the word ‘tech’ look techy and use the brad font for the word ‘overload’ and simply use the same colours you have for the 2nd logo in the second set of logos you posted. OR you could use the text colour variation from the 2nd logo in the first set of logos in your first post and have the word ‘tech’ with a techy font and the word ‘overload’ in the brad font or vice versa. OR! You could simply use the brad font for the entire logo as you have it in the 2nd logo of the third set you posted and use the colour of the underline in the 2nd logo of the first set of logos and do some sort of grunge outline/background, whereas you’d have to use the colour of the font in the 2nd logo of the third set of logos you posted to compensate for the colour of the underline of the 2nd logo in the first set of logos you posted being the background.
well, i think you should try something out with no. 2 but without the yellow thingy behind it. it’s got a nice font thickness which you can try several possibilities with…
Alright I think im going to stop making logos for today im running out of ideas and my head hurts :crazy:.
Thanks You everyone for all the help and ideas you are giving me.
Simplistik im was just kidding, I apreciate your input it helps me strive for perfection.
3rdeye you have a lot of really good points on logo design and I’ll try making some more logo’s with your comments in mind.
CanadianGuy you just confused the hell out of me lol.
“Tech” and “Overload” look as if they’re 2 separate titles, which can 't be the purpose of a logo of course …
Try to keep the same style for “Tech” and “Overload” and also try to align things as neat as possible.
Start with 2 good fonts, one for “Tech Overload” and another one (or the same but smaller) and work on the typography first, so they become almost like one thing. Next find some good colours (the current ones are good imo) and then try some shapes, shades, subtle effects and such and experiment but always make so that the text comes out the most.
i agree w/ chameleon. it does look more like a standard banner. i don’t see it being very versitile as a logo. if you like this design a lot, try it w/ out the tab looking graphic. what does it look like w/ just the text? obviously you would have to change up the color of the text some.