Which do you like?

Okey, the first one is the one i started with, but i wanted to use the “logo” with it too so i made a couple of choices. Which do you like and why? Or maybe you got any smart ideas of your own…? Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

I like #1 the others are nice but they seem to busy and the color seems odd.

i have ideas of my own :wink: but i like #1

Yeah I’d have to say #1 … but it seems almost a little too messy with that “s” for session … try and simplify it a little and maybe do some different variations with that …??

Yea, I noticed that too. I would make it more legible.

Number 1 is best but couldn’t you use a orange type color to make it stand out more

i dont like any of them. that font is terrible,and the way its put together is bad. nice try but keep your logo that u have now.

Do you now… :h: :wink: :lol:
btw: What does make a good font good?

If I had to chose I would go with #1. Although I dont particularly like any of them. They are not very strong.