Designed this site for a company named Paradise Limousines. nothing major. A very simple intro to a chromless window with infornmation right to the point.
Designed this site for a company named Paradise Limousines. nothing major. A very simple intro to a chromless window with infornmation right to the point.
the site was just what you said - nothing crazy and to the point. Very simple to find everything, and get needed info - good for a company site like that. One thing (which I am sure is out of your control) the pictures they gave you to put on the site are terrible! Very dark and blury… you should replace the enlarged images with well light high res photos. If someone is going to take the time to enlarge something they want to see something… other then that - well done.
The intro was phatty =)
nice design… i think i’ve seen that menu before on some site with very similar(if not the same) menu icons (phone, tv,ect…) oh well overall its quite good. Nice intro effect
I used the menu from a site that I visited. I forgot which one though. I use two of the icons that came with it like the tv and the cellphone. I made the book and the coins.
so… any one else got any feed back? :-\
not sotw material.
Yep, it’s a nice site. But it’s lagging too much (maybe it’s my computer). And I find the design to be not very professional. Maybe you could work on that a little bit.
pom :asian:
What type of computer do you have? The computer that i made this on was ancient. 96mb of ram, 4mb video card, and 500MHZ. It looked alright on that computer. yes it was a little slow but is wasn’t like a turtle. And the client loves the sight. He thinks its perfect for him. :-\
Hey, I’m glad they like it, but I’m just telling you what I see…
My comp: 1 Ghz laptop (terrible graphic card), 256 Megs of RAM.
pom :asian:
Its been worked on. I worked on the site and improved it. I looked around for errors and guess what? I founds some. I made sure all the titles were the same, and all the colors were too. Now I have added a splash page and in my opinion its alot better.
Hmm, the changin from one page to another is still laggy on my part.
Cool, but I think people use that navigation way too much! I like unique interfaces, but again thats a business site and if it was a personal site then it would matter!
bcogswell11 what do you mean it lags in between pages. it takes too long to load? what i have is about five pages. the splash page, to the check page, to the intro, to the thanks page which on load pops up a window. if you think i can do anything to make it quicker and sugestions are welcome.
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