ohhh ohh i wanna do it… i maded one yesterday
I think we should have a couple weeks… cuz i have exams til like the end of the freakin month
ohhh ohh i wanna do it… i maded one yesterday
I think we should have a couple weeks… cuz i have exams til like the end of the freakin month
Yeah, I think people have exams until about the end of June, so this one may take a little while. We have decided (provisionally at least) on a theme though, and it should be good…
that sounds really fun
I can do it with my new sexy effed up web cam
yea…i can’t wait…but sadly…can’t think up of many ideas…
OK. I promise this will be the last one. This particular venture prooved to be a learning experience. Notice how the paper flickers in the background, because of the air conditioning. Also notice the inconsistancies in the second scene on the computer screen. You may also noticed that i bumped the camera about half-way through the second scene. This is a big no-no when doing stop motion. A more professional person would have scrapped the entire sequence and started over, but i left it in to proove a point: don’t bump anything when doing this. I have developed a new appreciation for stop motion now…
by the way, this swf is 1.32 MB, so it might take a while to load…
<object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0” width=“400” height=“300”>
<param name=“movie” value=“http://www.igovw.com/vw3.swf”>
<param name=“quality” value=“high”>
<param name=“menu” value=“false”>
<embed src=“http://www.igovw.com/vw3.swf” menu=“false” quality=“high” pluginspage=“http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“400” height=“300”></embed></object>
cool :)… look at the little car go… him i might have found something to do with my dad’s digital camera this summer.
i’m gonna keep my eye on those battle forum
That’s pretty good Majeye, even with the bump in the camera. I reckon this is going to be a very interesting battle…
yeah, this battle is gonna be fun! I’ve already got loads of ideas for it!
The difficult part is choosing the film scene… There’s so many!
i already got mine picked out
think it’s really doable
I’m torn between about three…
i had that first, but a little brainstorming bout how doable it is made me choose the one i got in mind now
Have you ever seen the lego movies on www.sub-culture.org?
Oh, sorry, he took them down. I think you can still find them on Newgrounds, under lego movies. They’re fantastic.
well i seen some, not sure if they are what you mean. I seen a remake of a part of “monty python’s quest for the holy grail” remade in lego’s was pretty cool
Actually, now I’ve remembered that there’s Harry Potter lego, I’m torn between four choices.
lol if i use lego i’m gonna stick with my old ones i got somewhere not gonna buy harry potter lego for that =)
I’ve got five crates of the stuff in my loft. This is going to be fun.
In fact, screw the battle, I’m gonna go regress about 10 years and play with my Lego all weekend.
*Originally posted by Pierce Gleeson *
**Have you ever seen the lego movies on www.sub-culture.org?
Oh, sorry, he took them down. I think you can still find them on Newgrounds, under lego movies. They’re fantastic. **
what about the video for ‘White Stripes - Fell in love with a girl’?
Thats the best lego animation I’ve seen!
*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**what about the video for ‘White Stripes - Fell in love with a girl’?
Thats the best lego animation I’ve seen! **
you are right, if it’s not the best it must come very close… a really cool video.
kit got loads of lego’s myself …somewhere, but none of the harry potter kind…i’m more of an old-school guy back when lights on lego cars where lights and not prints… memories :sigh: . ghehe regressing 10 years could be fun… the fun of having young cousins… great excuse to play with lego’s
I used to love Lego… When I said 5 crates I wasn’t kidding. I had tons of the stuff. :beam:
But it wasn’t as detailed as it is now… All the faces and little bits and pieces you get with them. I had the pirate ship though, and a castle. :beam: Then I took them all to pieces and made my own which was naturally much better. Until my brother decided that it would be funny to sneak into my room and destroy <i>everything</i>. :sure:
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