Stop-Frame Battle

After seeing the wonderfull animations created by Majeye ( )

I’ve decided that i want to have a stop frame battle! I’ve never done this before, but it sounds fun :beam:

anyone interested in this? Go on, you know you want to!

I would LOVE to join, but I ain’t got enough time. Starting exams next week. Can’t you guys wait with this till 23 June :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

I wouldn’t mind giving this a go, now I’ve got my lovely digital camera. :beam:

kit: pfft! Us real artists steal them off our friends :wink:

Yes, I’d like to join. As with Voetsjoeba, I’ve got an exam on the 26th June, so if you can wait a bit, that’d be great. If not, I can still see what I can come up with

w00t! my first battle! (possibly) :slight_smile:

We can give it a long deadline, give people time. :slight_smile: Though we’d need a different mod to make it all offical anyway and give a theme. :slight_smile:

I suppose you got your canine friend to buy your camera as well? :wink:

Count me in!

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**I suppose you got your canine friend to buy your camera as well? :wink: **
Nope, this was my own hard earned cash. :slight_smile:

yeah… handed out by your little canine friend for trolling these forums :wink:

I love my job. :beam:

*shakes fist (i knew it! I just knew it!)


It’s not my fault they pay me lots for doing this. :stuck_out_tongue:

be quiet! stop talking! :stuck_out_tongue:

Can i join?
i used to do stop-frame gifs with lego people when i was younger:bounce:

Anyone can join. :slight_smile:

woo! my first real battle! i say we keep photo editing to a minimum, in order to keep this as true to original stopframe as possible.

(ASPHALTCOWBOY: you using your friends camera? whats wrong with the ‘special’ one im sending you? :wink: )

hehehe… it was the compatibility issue you were talking about.
it got me worried


We still need some suggestions for themes… :slight_smile:

why not just have… an action scene or something… (an emotional dialogue scene would be hard to do after all ;)) ooh, or maybe we could recreate an action scene from our favourite films? we get to pick the film we want… then set down some more rules like timelimit, file size, resolution etc?

Famous movie scenes sounds good to me… :beam: