hey im just looking for hosting for my online portfolio, i was going to go with media temple but i think its a bit expensive even for one of their cheaper deals.
maybe im just tight but i was wondering if anyone could let me know of a good place to get hosting.
I use xerohost.net - $2.50/month, EXCELLENT customer service, 500 GB space, can ftp or upload files directly through their service, subdomains, PHP, message board, multiple email accounts, etc.
in fact, I think I may be moving to unflux very soon, I’m tired of hosting everything myself, but am quite curious about alot of the stuff you get with paid hosting, like how you edit configs and stuff…
I guess I’ll find out in my quest for endless knowledge soon!
lunarpages.com is who I like the best, just to add in my opinion. Go ahead and check out the message boards on there to talk to others and see what they have to say. I did a lot of research and review reading before joinging them and have been completely satisfied ever since…
www.startlogic.com tough you have to pay yearly to get the discount rate. One of my clients is hosted through them and i like how they are set up, they have a lot of perks and a great admin panel