UNFLUX.net Launches!

UNFLUX.net has finally launched!

Other than the launch itself, the other big news about this is:
Our plans were COMPETELY overhauled just minutes before launching last night, so take a look! You won’t believe what are offering. I know a lot of you expressed interest in our service, so take a look at what we are officially offering. :wink:

As for the sponsored spots, I will be in contact with the people that were chosen very soon.

UNFLUX.net Web Hosting

very nice design unflux… and your plans are very nice…

thanks body, let me know when we can get you set up. :slight_smile:

pretty neat! When i get started on my HUGE project with my freind, which will be a database of art from people in our school, i’ll be sure to call you up!

30gb bandwidth for $12/mo?
nice :slight_smile:

…oh… nice site design, too :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice site design, I get free hosting so I wouldnt really need it, but I would reccomend it to other people…

Thanks for the comments guys. Things are going really well so far, wish us luck.

Hey Unflux, I love the layout and the simple but classy interface without a lot of flashy crap on it. Well done. The prices look good, I like the free domain name.
I would recommend you to others

I was just wondering, can you just register a domain without getting hosting from unflux? like get a domain and forward it to my own computer where I host a site?

You can buy a domain from anywhere pretty much. Just change the DNS settings from the domain provider.

I know, I’ve bought one, but I was considering changing if he had competitve prices, just to help out a fellow kirupian :slight_smile:

nice specs

but just noticed the the Prices on the front page do not match those on the features page??

still nice all the same

The prices are the same, it depends on how you choose to pay.

Bryan, check your PM inbox :slight_smile:

Nice work Unflux, Good luck, Wish you the best. :pleased: